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There wasn't any glossing over of verse 11. It clearly says "...right-ruling which they say to" and "do not turn...from the word which they declare to you." They were given the authority to "judge" what was or wasn't according to the Torah. Of course their rulings had to be according to the Torah, but if they didn't go against it, but rather clarified it's meaning, they weren't going against it. If the Law says Do not Murder, is it only with the physical act that God is concerned about? Of course not! Jesus clarifies and enhances the meaning of that commandment himself in the Gospel of Matthew. Does that make his teaching false because he taught a right-ruling according to the Torah even if the Torah itself doesn't elaborate on the deeper meaning of what God considers murder? Of course not. My point still stands. Oral tradition isn't condemned by Jesus, only traditions of men that negate the law directly or negate the spirit of the Law. Furthermore, my point still stands that Deuteronomy endorses the oral tradition. "which ever they declare unto you..." Whatever they say, as in "oral".

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