
that every word has its opposite and/or has a double meaning which only the mind can define. Life sustains polarities at all levels, there is a negative dot in the positive and positive dot in the negative. Personal choices thus reflect on experiences, level of knowledge and therefore are all perceptions of any given moment. Hence the imperative need to remain centered at all time in order to avoid the pitfalls of any polarized (divide and conquer) arguments and an inner fragmentation generating confusion.

I think I'm following you in general, but I don't know what you mean by "we don't think the way we want". Do you mean we don't have control over our thoughts? Or that we fail, despite our efforts, because the polarity infects the purity of our thought?

The polarity can be useful because it leads the way to a direct opposite. So if we're feeling bad, and we notice that we're thinking "I'm a failure", we know which thought will move us up the emotional scale, namely "I'm successful". Then it's just a matter of finding thoughts that we actually believe which demonstrate our success.

Of course, polarity can be detrimental, as in the case of the person who rejects their Catholic upbringing because they perceive it to be full of lies and coercion, so they adopt atheist materialism; vehemently opposing anything spiritual, and thus tossing out both bathwater and baby in a single, heavy-handed toss. I believe this is a case where you would counsel remaining centered and evaluating things more lucidly.

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