Embodied Wisdom [Gene Key 17]

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


From March 25 through March 29 the sun enters into the 17th Gene Key.

"We humans are a dichotomy, a dilemma. We are two contrary views. We have two eyes, two hemispheres of the brain - always two.
Because it's so uncomfortable being two, we chose one and let it dominate, and we pretend to feel safer. That is how the political mind works - logic or intuitive. It's one or the other."

-From the 17th Gene Key, the Shadow of Opinion

The path of GK 17 goes from the shadow of opinion, over the gift of far-sightedness to the siddhi of omniscience.
The moment we decide for one side of the coin of reality, we tend to oversee, that the other half is missing. The human mind is uncomfortable with letting two seemingly opposites be there as equal possibilities. It can be done though, the moment you go beyond the pair of duality.


On the gift level of this Gene Key, we meet a talent, that philosopher Tim Freke calls "para-logical thinking". This means the ability to let two (for the mind) contradictory opposites be there at the same time.
The further we advance on the path of GK 17, we meet the huge difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is based on experience and transcends everything that can be known or learned.
Omniscience is - in this realm - not a sign of the arrogance of the human mind, but an indisputable fact of a mind, that has gone beyond its own limitations.

Wisdom is not something you acquire, but something you embody.

Over the next days, we can contemplate this Gene Key and have a look at our life from a witness perspective, to see how our believes and thoughts color our experience. Maybe even daring to let two completely contradictory thoughts be there at the same time and watch what happens.
Then learning to trust, that our whole body is the embodiment of all the life lessons we have endured.
You are a walking Wisdom! ❤️


There is no oneness without duality . Embracing the polarities gives us oneness which is bigger than non-duality i.e. one side of the coin. Do correct me if I am wrong. This is another great post that got me thinking.

That is true and it isn't! 😀
It's true, that Oneness is naturally embracing the polarities AND Oneness doesn't need duality to be the One. In other words: There are no conditions for Oneness, since Oneness has no polarity, but contains every possible duality. 😀
That's nothing the dualistic mind can comprehend anyway - so even these words don't capture it, doesn't matter how much "I" try...
Much Love and thank you! 🙏

I understand it better now. Oneness is everything. Thank you so much for the explanation! Love and blessings xx

@atmosblack Just got done reading a short book on the teachings of Buddha. Wanted to refresh my memory, and it was talking about the Vipassana meditation. The mind likes to attach itself to one train of thought or another, whereas being a witness just notices the drama unfold, and then disappear in oblivion. Perhaps there is a right way of living, that doesn't accompany its opposite. May be you have to transcend the duality to experience righteous living. May be there is a right that doesn't have a wrong. Still an explorer I guess. Thanks for the post. Cheers!

I love your explorations and your sharing! ❤️
You are on the right path, may friend. Simply because it's yours.
Open mind - open heart. Blessings!

Your posts give me an opportunity to explore every day! Thank You!

Profoundly insightful and exact what's happening NOW :)
I was hearing about the Gene Keys...
Starting to understand some principles...
Going to follow next ones!
Namaste ॐ

Wow I didn't know the Gene Keys can be related to the Days of the week.

How did you come up with that

What does it exactly mean that "the sun enters into Gene Key 17" from March 25th through March 29th?

I have my Gene Keys hologenetic profile...I use it personally for personal understanding of myself...but I have never seen it used in this sort of astrological way before!

Well, this is not my idea, but Richard and his Onedoorland crew in the US have been doing this for quite some time. The GKs are overlaid with the zodiac signs - so every planet is also in a certain GK at a moment - if you know where the planets are, you also know in which GK they are.

I love these things about energy, peace and those things that give us a lot of stability, every day I learn more with you, grateful because they take the time to explain and ask us something in the comments

Thank you! You are very welcome! 🙏

Learnt a lot of things today, nice post by the way.

Thank you! 🙏

The idea you epoched in this process is kinda new to me. I am not quite sure what I make of it yet. I hope you would expatiate on it some other time.

But I agree with the last line:

You/We are a walking Wisdom!

Yes, the Gene Keys are a part I write about - you can find a basic article about them here.
I guess, this all becomes clearer with the factor of time and patience.
Blessings and thank you for taking the time to read! 🙏

A very interesting post Thank you for sharing and very useful @atmosblack

Nice. Worth reading and contemplating...

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