What Even IS Spirituality?

in #spirituality5 years ago

As people of the world wake up from their slumber, they often are found sifting through the information of not only the matrix, but of spirituality and what "the mission" is all about. It seems like a cult on its own.

But I'll go ahead and explain what's really going on purely from my own experience.


Spirituality- The word itself points to a sector of human life that focuses on growth of the mind. This brings up topics such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation, God, crystals, psychic mediums, etc.

And it seems like all of the spiritual people you find online are stuck in their own worlds, but there's a reason why some of the larger known ones chose to take their path of becoming a content creator for spiritual growth.

See, our society is in trouble, no doubt about that. You can see it in the media, the politics, and your day to day life trying to make enough money to survive. There's a reason for that, there's a reason for it all.

And the biggest thing that "they" want you to do is forget about it and ignore the falling apart in place of their illusions that everything is fine. They've infiltrated a lot, not just the mainstream and what you see on television. Literally the little things too -- songs, certain patterns of behavior, foods, and body cravings, the things that you take as "just normal life." It's so subtle that you wouldn't notice if you weren't looking.

But these things affect you, they make you weaker, they make you more miserable and tired, and that's because they feed off of your energy.

Energy takes a myriad of different forms, and one of them is emotional. That's why if you hold your emotions in for too long, it can explode out beyond your control. This emotional energy is the vehicle by which you can take back control of your mind. And the path of taking back control of your mind is called spirituality, because it's laden with all sorts of pieces you pick up along the way that could be considered "other-worldly", like telekinesis or telepathy.

And I can tell you for sure that telepathy is real, because it utilizes that emotional energy that's in the air all around us. Once you're able to clear your mind enough of all of the garbage, you can "feel" the thoughts and the feelings from other people as they arrive. A familiar term for this is a "vibe."

This is just one of the gifts that spirituality returns to you, and another way for you to light up your surroundings.

Why do I need spirituality?

You don't "need spirituality," it's totally a choice of whether or not to get involved. All I can tell you is that the gifts that you work up over time can be used to totally transform your life. I strongly encourage you to pay more attention to your life and surroundings. If you've ever had a fear of dying or just death in general, then spirituality will almost certainly give you some clarity about what the hell's going on.

Why do I see spiritual people meditating on a log for 10+ days?

I have no clue. They're clearly on some next-level stuff.

Is spirituality a drug?

It depends on if someone is dragging you to a certain way of thinking. Usually we call those things "religion."

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