The Only True POWER You Have.

in #spirituality6 years ago


Are You happy where you are right now?
Do You feel alive and excited to be where You are?
Is that so?
Are You a fulfilled and joyful human being?
Is it fun to be You?
What ripples do You create for the world we live in?
Do you feel proud and honored to be You?
Are You in charge of your life?
Are You soul-satisfied?

One of the greatest lessons I learned from being unwell and unhappy for a long time - is the POWER of CHOICE!
We have this incredible ability to FOCUS on stuff.


We can consciously choose to focus on what makes us our Soul sing... OR... we can remain focused on stuff that others told us to focus on. This is where our freedom IS, this is our way to liberation.

We get to choose from this 'life buffet' what goes on our human plate. We do, whether we are aware of it or not.
We do it all the time, consciously or unconsciously.

We can stay in places that don't serve us OR we can leave!
We can react to everything we hear OR we can focus on the JOY of being ALIVE.
We can frown OR we can smile!

We can be mean and cruel, justifying it by our loyalty to truth OR we can choose to stay calm, loving and kind.
We can let others drag us into their stories OR we can stay rooted in who we are!


It is all a matter of choice!

To make it short -
We can run on the old world programs - conditioning and fear, addiction to drama, chaos and self-distruction OR
we could take a deep breath and do a self-reality check.
"Where am I heading with this?
How does this serve me?
What does it improve upon?"

The truth is - when we allow our Self to unplug from the external programming, from "the collective" - we begin to see very clearly that it is our choices that shape our reality and paint the picture of our world.

Here is a suggested list of CHOICES that have the power to rock anyone's world:

  • Minding Your Own Spiritual Business!
  • Fasting
  • Switching to plantbased eating
  • Regular Bodywork
  • Getting 20 minutes of sunlight every day
  • Parasite cleanse
  • WiFi and people detox
  • Silence
  • Getting rid of clutter
  • Grounding and Connecting with the Earth
  • Yoga/Chi Gong or any other spiritual practice
  • Meditation
  • Creativity
  • Joy
  • Saying No to bullshit
  • Saying Yes to Love!
  • Authenticity
  • Staying true to your Self
  • Taking responsibility for your own vibration.


No one can choose for us.
No one is walking in our shoes.
No one has the power to impose their beliefs and visions, to dictate their rules, or to tell us how to BE... unless we give it to them.

We can choose our spiritual frequency, even when we think we cannot choose anything at all.

The Power of CHOICE is the only true power we have here... and that, my friends, is really empowering and beautiful to KNOW.

Anna Suvorova
Health/Yoga Educator. Life Lover.
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all.


the power within you

I agree with all of the above.
A post that says it all.
Keep spreading the truth

Yes, everybody have no one knows about own power they are fail in life but this post is very helpful for them, Good job @annasuvorova

if everyone changed themselves the word would change :D

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