On finding Your Place in the Universe

in #spirituality6 years ago


Do You ever contemplate the meaning of life?
Do You ever sit down with yourself to think about where You are heading and why You experience all this?

Since very young age I was curious about how Universe works, how all this came about and what is the deeper meaning of it all.

Why some things feel really pleasant and good and some do not?
Why do we like something and resent something else?
Why we adore being around some people and don't want to see the sight of others?
Why some choices we make lead to amazing uplifting experiences and other choices we make lead to a total disaster zone?
Why some people are happy and abundant and others are sad and broke?
Why there is so much trouble in this world?
Why pain? Why suffering? Why challenges?
What is it all about? Where does it all lead?


There is so much to contemplate for a curious beautiful mind.
Life is nothing more than a chance to IMAGINE and to CREATE.


My own curiosity took me on a long exciting journey in life. I wanted to learn about world literature, different philosophies, psychology, mind-body connection, hypnosis, witchcraft, natural remedies, white magic, food, vibrational reality, different countries and people, but mostly I wanted to know how Universe works and what is my place in it.

What I have learned from my intense, full of contrasts experience of being alive is that it is our working on what we call SELF that determines our reality as we know it.


"How Do We find our place in the Universe?" might be the best question any of us can ask.

This is how:

We observe. We learn. We sort out our observations and we learn what serves us and what does not.
According to the philosophy of yoga, everything that IS (Prakriti) exists only for one purpose - to offer a chance of GROWTH and EXPANSION to what is SELF (Purusha).

What they call "Meditation" seems to be one of the most empowering and magical experiences that any of us can give to our SELF (Purusha).


We sit down, we unpack vibrationally and we settle in to what is called NOW.
We give our attention to something within our SELF that is non-changeable, to eternal.
Thoughts come and go. People walk in and walk out of our life. What mattered to us yesterday seem to lose it's meaning today. Everything seems so temporary.
We start listening to our BREATH, we listen and we listen more... and that is when we start tapping into what is unchangeable, what is ETERNITY.


We begin to feel our heart beat - that ever present rhythm that is always there, whether we listen or not, aware of it or not. We begin to feel our connection to the whole of the Creation, to our true essence, to who we really are.
We all can tap into the HIGHER INTELLIGENCE of existence.
We all can feel our connectedness to everything that IS.
It is our birth right!
Now.... that is something to focus on!!!
There is nothing in life that holds more POWER than that.
That place of connection, that sweet vibrational spot seems to hold the key that opens doors to a totally different reality!


What meditation really offers is the opportunity to ALIGN with the Higher Force, to recreate our relationship with what IS (Prakriti) - with what has created everything that IS, You and me included. It expands our consciousness and allows us to SEE things for what they really are.


Sit down with yourself, my love! Listen and listen more.
Forget what they told you, feel your way into life, unplug from the collective and take off on your own.
Mystery is waiting for You!
Open your mind..... and the whole world will open for You.. just for You!
........ and sooner than soon You will not just know, You will feel with every fiber of your BEING - who You really are, what brought You here, who's HEART beats inside You, and what is your place in the You-niverse.

Anna Suvorova
Yoga Educator. Inspirer. Meditator.
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all.

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