Drink Yourself to HEALTH

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


What did You drink today?
I believe in drinking our Self to Health!


Having plenty of fresh and empowering liquids every day makes a tremendous difference to our state of being.
Liquids are easy to digest, even for the most sensitive of us, they give our system a much needed rest from digesting solid foods, and act like inner doctors/healers.

Here is a basic list of what we call Healthy Liquids that is easily manageable by anyone.
Just a few weeks of consuming these high vibe vibrant fluids can make a tremendous difference to how we feel.


  • Good (alive) water - spring/crystalline/ filtered & charged - To Stay Hydrated.
  • Warm Lemon Water first thing in the morning - to give our system an inner shower.
  • Golden Latte - activated turmeric drink - to address possible inflammation and revive the brain cells.
  • Home made Yogi Tea/Matcha/Oolong/Herbal Teas - to strengthen immunity.
  • Fresh Juices made with organic veggies and fruits - to assist the Body cleanse and rejuvenate.
  • Wheat grass/Gotu cola shots - to stay in an active detox mode.
  • super food shakes - fruits blended with high vibe nutriceuticals to activate our DNA and send messages of HEALTH to our cells.

Once we become AWARE of how our dietary choices directly connected to our state of being - we tap into a different experience of our Self - Aligned, Powerful, Deserving, and Loved!
The whole world seem better in that inner state.

Take good care of your cells (Self) and your loved ones.
Cheers to our Health!!!

Anna Suvorova
Health/Yoga Educator. Inspirer.
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all.

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