Spiderman is Not Stan Lee!

The religious spiritual philosophy of nonduality asserts that humans are God and that there is no significant difference between the two! This idea is, for the most part, one tiny slice of theological thinking which stems from eastern philosophy and primarily by the Vedic sage Shankara. Shankara was rightly challenged by another sage called Ramanuja who correctly asserted that the 'soul of man' was in every way distinct from God; furthermore, and most aligned with my theological musings was the strict dualism of Dvaita Vedanta taught by Madhvacharya and this aligns most closely with my Christian Gnostic cosmology.

The fact of the matter is that there is nothing Spiderman could ever do to become Stan Lee and this video is one of the best at outlining why that is. I've said for a long long time that the claim that humans are God is meaningless! There is nothing that I can see that makes practitioners of nonduality any different from any other 'talking monkey'; they have no special abilities compared to anyone else, they have no extra-ordinary powers compared to anyone else--they will live and die in no way different from anyone else. These facts then make the claims of nonduality narcissistic and mired in hubris. This, though, doesn't really concern me as a Gnostic per se but what does concern me is the nonduality of the Kabbalist Luciferians who are practicing worldwide lawlessness and antinomianism especially powered by taking control of the creation of currency and this was the method of this Luciferian 'will to power'...One of the best bloggers on this phenomenon is Anthony Migchels over at Real Currencies although I couldn't speak for his personal theology.

It's also worth noting that Neoplatonism wasn't non-dual in its essence and that those who espouse that it was are not understanding the true meaning behind this philosophy and here is a deconstruction on that theme.

Just a note to the many atheists and materialists out there: I wonder what you have to say about a civilization run by those who think talking snakes in gardens are real? Why do you think this is a good thing and why do you give this Cabal a free pass by ignoring and dismissing the existence of this hegemony over the earth and its people?  See here and here for evidence of this assertion. Why do you think the coming Noahide Laws most likely ushered in by the presumably Jewish Messiah is a good thing? What I'm suggesting here is atheists are good at deconstructing exoteric religion but ignore or dismiss the esoteric strains of religion and this is a grave oversight when one considers the influence over civilization by the four primary schools of Talmudic Kaballism: the Jews who believe this version of the Torah (The Luciferian's), The Freemasons, The Jesuits, and sects within Islam like the Shriners.

Please note that my Gnostic worldview is of a different nature compared to the Kabbalist's and more aligned with the early Christian Marcion who correctly noted the many discrepancies in the Torah which is, in my view, an entirely fictitious religious book. Modern scholarship confirms this and I also have to wonder why it is that academic historian's still insist that there were four Englishmen in the middle east 2000-years ago?

A note: I really don't have a problem with the theological theory of nonduality. I only have a problem when it's asserted as common spiritual fact by its practitioners. And yes, most who assert the theory of nonduality practice extreme dogmatism. 


Please note that this Kaballistic Luciferian agenda is what is driving the merging of A.I. with humanity and this phenomenon is being implemented to fulfill the fictional story of the talking snake in the story of Genesis--you shall become gods... Do you see how this is delusional?
This agenda is juxtaposed to the more exoteric Messianic movement which intends to implement worldwide Noahide Laws...More delusion as it's likely Noah never existed as a real person--he's a myth. So humanity is being double whammy'd by delusion but it gets worse because the Luciferian Gnostic's believe that the talking snake was Sophia! I don't believe the talking snake was Sophia as I don't believe Kristo's was a Jewish Messiah--Sophia and Kristo's are Aeons, yes, but the demiurge is implementing replicants of the Gods--a false Messiah will come who will help merge the Luciferian agenda of the false Sophia; all taking place within a false constructed 'reality'...
There ya go! Hopefully, that helps in clarifying my thoughts on all these shenanigans.

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