Differences Between Real and False.

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

This post will explore the difference between real and false from a Christian Gnostic perspective. It will touch upon long-standing ideas like Materialism versus Idealism.

The Genesis of this discussion is that the Demiurge is very much real! Its archons and their machinations over this existence are very much real. They control the very real Matrix which is existence on this dimension. The dream is real! The dreamer? What they've convinced you that you think you are? Not so much! That, in the end, is a part of their construct which is indeed, quite illusionary compared to higher levels of existence. So people like Sam Harris who argue the equation Pi (as an exp.) exists whether I'm alive or dead are very much correct. But ultimately, even though this place is real, our existence is a false one! We are not who the Demiurge tells us we are!

We are not sinners! We are not monkeys! ( two of their biggest lies)...We are a spark of infinite consciousness! Yes, consciousness is primary although this particular locale is predicated on falseness. It's an endless concatenation of lies and deception. You don't have to be here although it's quite possible that you volunteered to experience this place and a part of that volunteering was that your memory was wiped. Yes, there are those that occasionally come to this existence from higher dimensions who retain their memory, but they are few and far between.

I won't speculate on whether this place is a school or not although I concede it very well may be. But I will say the slave masters here have full authority to act as they do--they just have no authority over who you really are and can only manipulate who they've convinced you that you think you are! This is known as the ego construct. From a Christian Gnostic perspective, it is real in that dream sense but ultimately false!

Let's take a look for a moment at the worlds religious claims from this perspective: the big 3? False! You're not a sinner! Hinduism? False, as your ego and its karmas, are manipulations of the archons. The archons have manipulated you on that account. Buddhism suffers the same condition although it comes very close to being correct--but the lie woven within it is very subtle. Buddhism teaches that the human mind (controlled by the archons) is the avenue for assessing ultimate and absolute reality and this couldn't be further from the truth from the Christian Gnostic perspective. So this makes the universal claims of Buddhism false while still conceding that Buddhism very much came to understand the nature of the mind Matrix.

This leads to the question as to whether this existence is reconcilable with higher levels of existence. I don't know the answer to that but I'll post two quotes from the Kristos which taken from a Christian Gnostic perspective would at least make one consider whether such a thing is possible:

26, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple."

15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but from the world. 17The world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God remains forever.

I generally don't like quoting scripture as it's a control mechanism of the archons but it's not possible to enact 100% falsity. The truth of the matter always seeps through and this may be exactly the meaning of the unveiling or revelation of the Kristos. It may be that both agents of the demiurge and higher dimensional beings are active at this point in history. The demiurge is fulfilling his prophecies while the agents of Kristos and Sofia are shining light on how false they are. Read the Torah yourself and you can't come to any other conclusion than that the claims of the demiurge to goodness are false! Its behavior is clearly evil. The Roman Christ doesn't fare much better here as its idea of crime and punishment is eternal damnation! Not good by any standard so we have rational evidence that the demiurge claims in that book are false! And no, The Koran fares no better!

What's interesting to me, and I don't know what's true in this regard, is if there are more than two groups of agents here: the dimensional demiurge and the archons and humans, or if there are other agents/actors from this dimension/universe. Many think there are! This is the alien or E.T. hypothesis. So maybe things are extraordinarily convoluted on this planet. If it turns out to be the case, though, I still think the higher dimensional beings have more authority.

A note on the faculties of logic and reason here: I believe they are inherently transcendental although higher dimensions transcend but don't contradict these processes. There is nothing the Kristos would have taught that would have contradicted them!. But the Archons have no such qualms: they spew endless bullshit and are indifferent to truth. Here are some of their contradictions to reason and logic:

-God divides by special choseness.

-God uses ethnicity as a means of revealing truth.

-God uses earth geography as a means of revealing the truth.

-God punishes people forever.

I should also note that not all scientific claims are honest; scientists, in general, have lied about many things in the past 500 years. That lying has been an affront to the faculties of logic and reason. My own belief, though, is the earth being flat is not a part of any scientific deception. It is hard to gauge, though, what some scientists are lying about today as it's safe to say there are those in that field aligned with the archons.

I'll end here on Genesis and mention that the proper word in the first verses is recreated. And it may be that this has happened many times in the past and is likely to happen again in a vicious cycle of lies and deception. Would you like out?

Realize who you really are!  

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