Spirituality 💚 How To Quickly Remove Negative Energy

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

It is easy to absorb the energy of others, but it is super important to cleanse that energy away.

You should be aware of the energy surrounding you and your home. There could be negative energy around you and you might be unaware of. Here are easy ways to quickly remove that low energy and surround yourself with positivity. When there is bad energy around you and you are on a low-frequency you only continue attracting negativity and can't manifest your goals in a positive way.

How to tell if there is negative energy surrounding you?

If you are suddenly and out of the blue feeling depressed.
You feel resistant to giving yourself what you need when you want it
(such as eating when you are hungry.)
Feeling very tired all of a sudden, even though you have slept well.
Experiencing being drained after spending time with somebody.
Feeling stress or experiencing strong anger.
Seeing only negativity in others or talking bad about them.
Talking negatively to yourself and feeling you are not worthy.

How to quickly remove negative energy :

1. Clean

Clutter can manifest into negative energy and causes a mental barrier in your mind of something you have to get to. Clutter that occurs in a specific area of the home can be seen on a Feng Shui map and negatively affect that specific area of your life. Cleaning your space and removing all obstacles of mess creates room for fresh and positive chi to flow around you. It always feels so good to clean and be in a neat space.

2. Smudging

Burning sage around yourself and your home is an old-age method of removing negativity. You can do it once a month or when you feel there is bad energy surrounding you or a loved one. The burning sage smoke helps release negative ions in the air and neutralizes your energy field. Simply set an intention for cleansing, burn the sage bundle and wave it over your body - focusing on your feet and back of your head as negative energy sticks there. Wave it throughout your home, especially in corners.

3. Clapping Loudly

The sound and vibration from clapping can help remove negative energy from you and your space. It's a quick and powerful method to use as it disperses the energy around. You can walk through your home and clap in areas that feel stuck or negative - in corners, under stairs or any area where energy can get trapped. You can also use bells, chimes and drum noises for the same effect or along with the clapping.

4. Using Salt

Salt is a powerful cleanser and absorbs negative energy. You can use a salt lamp to create a calming effect on your space or even placing salt around your front door and windows to block negative energy from staying in the space. If somebody with heavy energy comes to your home and you can't shake the feeling once they leave, you can sprinkle salt at the front of your door to cleanse.

5. Water

Water is a known cleanser and you will always instantly experience relief from letting it wash over you. There is nothing more relaxing to the mind and body than taking a warm bath or shower, as the water absorbs the negative energy from you. Even pouring a glass of water and setting positive intentions while holding the glass and drinking it will bring positive energy into your body. Water is a healing element, which is why being on the ocean is so relaxing and purifying.

6. Write

Use free writing and note down every single worry you have on your mind, it will help release it from your mind to the paper. Once you have written every single worry, you can look at the list and write a new one listing down a positive statement about every worry. This will help shift your focus to the positive and create new energy in your mind about the situation. For example, if one of your worries is finances, write a new list telling yourself that you are wealthy and have all the resources you need. Doing so will bring up your frequency and dispel negativity.

7. Moving Your Body

Moving your body will always make you feel more positive. Be it dancing, running, or any type of exercise that gets your body going. Putting on high frequency music while doing so also helps. Exercise releases positive chemicals in your brain that makes you feel more energized and happier. Most of the time, when people are feeling low energy they don't want to move their body, but doing so will instantly positively energize you. Even doing five jumping jacks when you are feeling low will instantly improve your mood and move the negative energy away from you.

Sources : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8

Manifestation and Meditation : Traveling

Artwork : Floral Love Mandala


Wow I love your writing during motivational cool photos UpVoting

Thanks! :) Happy to hear you liked it!

Very good advices, I currently do a couple of the things listed here. Writing has always been my catharsis, but since this year started, I began to use the videos from The Fitness Marshall to exercise.

Normally you will feel better after a nice workup but he's also the happiest person I have ever seen so he makes the whole process even better. I smile throught the entire dancing with his funny comments and overall energy. It's so contagious! I recommend him a lot, my life has been more positive after commiting to regulary exercise.

I looked him up and was inspired to try some of his steps, I probably looked so silly and out of tune with him! lol.. I love to watch blogilates or fitnessblender on youtube for free workout videos!

While in Vietnam, I was staying in a house with a super weird vibe. A lady in a local market told me that salt could eliminate bad energy. I bought sea salt that day and could feel a huge difference in the house! Thanks for the thorough post!! :)

You never really know what kind of energy is lurking in houses you have never stayed at before. It's always good to cleanse the energy if you feel weird or even moving into a new home. I used to live close to a cemetery and would sometimes feel weird vibes and had to smudge my house often and throw salt down. Some people are also more sensitive to energy than others.

Awesome Post. While I have heard of these ways of removing negative energy. I've never seen it all in one post. Really well done, plenty of info, written just right. I feel like I could snap a picture and use it as a cheat sheet. That's probably not the best wording "cheat sheet". I just mean it's really useful not just as a first timer learning this, but could be used as a reminder for anyone who may have forgotten some of these methods.

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