Your Heart wakes up in the absence of plans

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


I have experienced so often that goal-setting distracts me from paying attention to my immediate surroundings.

Often times, when people set a goal and didn't achieve it they tend to say that it was all to no avail, resulting from consistent thought attachment to the final moment of outcome while ignoring the value of the pathway.

There are millions of moments.

By focusing on the outcome we choose one moment to be decisive in our judgement, yet all the myriads of moments on the way, which are each equal in potency and potential, are mostly disempowered. On top of that, once we draw our final conclusion, the way we perceive the path we went depends solely on the end-product.

So basically we rely on this one future moment to conclude whether it was all worth it or all in vain.

Over many years I found for myself that the magic of life only returns when I go with the flow of Unknowingness instead of controlling life by making plans. I feel much better ever since, my Heart woke up again and the physical world aligns most harmoniously step for step. Thoughts have the potential to paralyse us when unexpected hardships hit us. When we instead focus on the feeling behind the vision and let go of seeking out the pathway through thinking, we are always flexibel and most creative yet effective in our decision-making.


its realy empowerring to let plans go. Even a vision is only desire or a want and wants are, what they are. Its not the wanting making things come true. Its simply doing it and becomming it. Of course some things need a certain fine tuned state. A training "plan" or better a routine, cant be planed (how can you plan something you never have expirienced?), it must be expirienced, and it must be enjoyed (even if its "pain") this is our personal validation. Perfect plans are imperfect enjoyment.

Same with Motivation. Of course there is external motivation (people want us to do this or that and there is presure, if we give them the power) but internal motivation, which is loving the thing you are doing, cant be forced on you and you cant force your self to enjoy something which is not yours (like in your article yesterday)

If I do what I love, there is no end. I dont even need a goal, I will reach it anyway and will go beyond. If there is a thing where I love each moment equaly, than I guess... I follow my heart

By focusing on the outcome we choose one moment to be decisive in our judgement, yet all the myriads of moments on the way, which are each equal in potency and potential, are mostly disempowered. On top of that, once we draw our final conclusion, the way we perceive the path we went depends solely on the end-product.

Such dedicated comments make my heart jump in joy. Thank you ;)

There have been a handful of very deep wake-up calls in my life thus far. One of my first deepest experiences was when I left my body at night. Well, long story short: it changed everything for good. To share some of my wisdom I have been learning languages like crazy for some time now.

In this anonymus world I appreciate that you shared this personal expirience, very much! This explains your language skills :D.

Its realy deep anchored in society and starts with the question: "What would you like to be when you grow up?"

We ask for wants and desires. And think "what would make my parents most proud?", "what job would enable my children the best life possible." Its selfless and there are good intenstions but this also explains why we are (despide our wealth) so deeply unhappy.

i guess we ask the wrong questions ^^

Sharing this experience felt suitable within the context of "goal-setting". I have been thinking about writing in German as well, but in English it flows more easily. I don't know why ;)

Many people complain about never having enough money, whether low-class, mid-class or high-class income. This is because they unconsciously adapt their lifestyles depending on the money they have + they want to stand in a good light in front of others in terms of reputation and what others think of them. Earning more money is not the only way to become more financially abundant, but to a certain extend we can become more financially wealthy by choosing a conscious lifestyle that is not reliant on what others think of us nor on a monthly pay check. But that requires introspection and doing one's inner work, something many people don't feel like having much time for. Being rich has many definitions. It can mean having great possessions (Standard definition) , but it can also mean to have few wants, or to simply be satisfied with what you have.

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