Theory doesn't release blockages - Practicality counts

These days people have a tendency toward skirting the practical lessons in the attempt to get it all right from start by devouring theoretic input.

It is REALLY important to understand that inner blockages won't be released through theory but practicality.

Take my Twin Flame for example. Before I met my Twin Flame, I theoratically already knew what I want should I choose to engage in a relationship. A loving relationship where giving and taking is balanced and where trust is most effortless. But practically speaking there seems to have been huge blockages within myself preventing me from attracting exactly that. Instead, I came across my Twin Flame, something that I didn't cajole myself into thinking but something I got to know in the deep meditative Theta Dream state out of the blue one day, and she turned out to be the exact opposite of what I intended to attract.

BUT, she allowed me to release all my inner blockages so that NOW I also have the practical experience of what I don't want, opening the real floodgates of what I want to attract practically.


theory is the withe-spots on the map of expirience land. They are importand since they are buildings ment to be broken down by whom ever wants to do so. Reminders to read this page of life again and more open, more nuanced. Brake it down, leave it there, go around, do what your haert tells you but never fight about theorys. They are simply not what they often seem to be. They are no truth they dont contain truth and they are not inter-subjective and objektive entitys and not shareable at all. No knowlege is.

Sadly when people get this point they jump to the other extrems of the dualistic spectrum. They want to deny everything ever said by a mainstream authority, isolating them selfes from "everyday life", thinking if they say "lie" three times in a row they are beamed out of this reality. An ever ongoing fighting attitude, creating nothing but resistance and unhappy minds clling the planet a prison :)

keep up your good work, allways helps me in gaining some degrees of freedom. Now informations start to come without thinking :S

Exhiliarating words!

Of course this is NOT to say that we should let our fingers away from theorising, this is surely a fun thing to do. I have only experienced for myself that I shouldn't attempt to avoid making mistakes at all Costs, because there is much value to be gleaned from these experiences.

And yes, I share very same opinion regarding the jumping into other extremes. When we see the overuse of smartphones, cars or technology in general these days we can easily fall into feelings like "I cannot see that anymore, I want nature!" So the technological overabundance or imbalance in this world might have some people detest technology as a whole when it is actually only the excess which makes us have that negative opinion. But ok, similar to beans. If you only have beans to eat for the rest of your life, you might hate them quickly. :)

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