The limitless dream of Oneness


As we change our point of view, what appears as "real" to us will also change. A changing world cannot ultimately be "real", for the definition of "real" is that of a self-perpetuating state, hence changeless. Having said that, has our entire experience been "real" to begin with? No, as all is consistently shifting, anything we ever experience is never given more reality than that of a dream. We are eternally dreaming.

When we realize that, nothing becomes All, because All is Light. At the same time, All becomes nothing, because Light is always shifting, never stagnant.

As that One Light we are creating endless expressions of the One Light in the One Light, never possibly outside. Consequently, no matter how much Separation we experience we are safe and sound, for we never left Oneness to begin with.

So show compassion and gratitude for your ego! The inherent reason it embarks on this duality voyage is not because it wants the Separation, but because it wants to make sure that there is REALLY nothing to worry ever within our dream."There is nothing that can ever happen against me? I don't believe that!"


Whenever we call this Universe of Separation an "expanding Universe", what we actually have is an "escaping Universe", where the omniscent Light mother we are LIGHT-heartedly hoaxes our ego child: "Search for Separation, take all the Time you wish, to see if you can find anything that is not Light!", only to reassure:"I'll be with you all along, so feel free to turn to me whenever you have experienced enough!"

No matter what our ego experiences on its Universal exploration, it will eventually realize that it is still 'alive'. And this is when our ego's healing will begin: happily returning to its all-wise Light mother, the ego says: "Mother, mother, I am back from my journey! And despite all I went through I am still here! You were right in saying that nothing can happen against me ever! We are all of the One Light after all!", with the LIGHT-hearted mother reciprocating:"I know my child, otherwise I wouldn't have let you undertake this enterprise in the first place! So go to bed now and take your well-deserved rest from this Sisyphean voyage!"

So now there is only one question left:

Did the ego wake up again ever from its well-deserved rest?

Well, there is no definite answer...

A glimpse into the book of Universal lores spoils only two secrets:

The first:

The ego was so happy to have exposed Separation as an illusion, that while asleep it indulged in the most vivacious and wonderful dreams effervescing with Oneness.

The second:

The mother turned off all alarm clocks.

Much Love and Light,


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I recently read "4 Habits for Inner Peace" from the same author who also translated the Course in Miracles into an understandable language. I also sense, that she may be one of the few teachers of ACIM, who have really got it. A worthwhile read, and it ties in perfectly with what you just wrote. 🙏

Hmmm I think they are all saying the same thing... Meditation takes you out of here and brings you there to be one with the universe.

I didn't know abt ACIM until now and it seems a good read. What I'd like to get my hands on are the ones by Edgar Cayce... Wonder how and where I can get copies. 😁 Haven't really tried searching online, I just remembered it now.

Well, to be honest, I wouldn't recommend reading the original text of ACIM first - better to start with the 4 habits book and the comic introduction called "The Universe is a dream" or the works of Ken Wapnick - you may even consider my (at the moment 3 part series) ACIM articles. I have misunderstood ACIM for 20 years due to listening and reading "wrong teachers" who have tried to make its message more accessible to people and at the same time cause lots of confusion in me, because in doing so, they actually totally missed the core message. I just want to tell you, that understanding ACIM is not that easy...
Edgar Cayce on the other hand seems very accessible to most people, but I never had resonance with him and his teachings, so I can't tell you more about him, but the things I've heard from others...

So what have you heard abt him from others?

Heck maybe I will understand it when I read it after a meditation session eh??? 😂

Sure! You may be a natural ACIM talent! 😉I just wanted to spare you possible disappointments 😀What I heard about Edgar Cayce is, that his channelings are very basic esoteric teachings for absolute beginners - which of course you aren't, when you suck up ACIM like a breeze 😀

What? No... Hahaha. Maybe that's why I wanna get my hands on some Edgar Cayce. I think I'm still a beginner. I don't know a lot abt these things yet. 😁

Wait I just noticed you put your other posts on there. 😂😂😂 I've already read some of them you know. That's how I found you on here.

How splendid! Yeah, in the very same way many teachers at school are misplaced as they don't have any clue about the materia, there are also in the spiritual jargon people who try to teach this stuff without grasping the essence of these concepts. But that's okay, we all find Home eventually!

Thank you very much for having read my words! :)

I really enjoyed reading this. I read The Course in Miracles. I am reading it again, and probably again after

I love reading others perspectives and the way in which it's explained on these things like, oneness, light and the ego. It really opens up new ways to look at things. I even enjoyed reading the comments on this too.

Some day I might fully get it, I mean I get it, to an extent, but it's still difficult to wrap my head around sometimes.

Regardless of what I'm capable of understanding, there's a deep down knowing of the oneness and infinite potential that we are.

Over the past 20 years I tried to read the original course several times, but because of the antique and christian language, I always came to a point, where I rejected it.
This changed, when I came over a translation by Elizabeth Cronkhite (ACIM in plain language) - suddenly everything became crystal clear!
Her other books (4 Habits for Inner Peace) and as well as the ACIM comic version "The Universe is a Dream" (that I recommended to Alex - written by a guy also called Alex) are brilliant. 😀
I guess, you should have a look into them @tressareid - they will make your life way easier!

Yes, I will definitely look into them. Thank you!


😃 Yes, he was the only one I truly resonated with right from the beginning, and no matter how far I went astray, I always returned to him ;)

I have that same thing with Wayne Dyer, I think it's because he was the first to open up a new perspective for me and has had a major positive impact on my anxiety. I always seem to go back to his teachings. Although, over the past few years I've been seeking a deeper understanding, which is why I've attempted to tackle ACIM

Haha, thanks for your comment! Yes, @atmosblack mentioned this book as well in his comment. Thing is, I haven't even read it...;)

Many of these things I describe are insights I experienced myself without having read anything. Generally, there has been only one 'teacher' I ever resonated with, which was David Cowan from Bolder Colorado. I was in regular email contact with him, and he passed last year now surely enjoying himself elsewhere in the Universe :)

Thank you for your nice comment! :)

You're a phenomenon! 😀Only one teacher and then maybe the only one in the history of spiritual teachings, that I have never heard before! 😂

Looking forward to future posts!

I saw that there is a fine line between dream and illusion must be careful.
Or what?

Our entire life is a dream with no consequences once we wake up! ;)

Life is perpetual change.
Like Sartre said men/women have anxiety because we have to continually make choices between yes or no.
For me, the healing of the ego must go through a process of self-analysis or psychoanalysis, to make all our traumas conscious and generate catharsis.
Our "Light" shines more after we know ourselves, and it propagates the process of people near us.
Yes, we are all connected and we are One because we are all sons of Planet Earth and the Cosmos.

Wonderfully expressed! Yes, it is key to let "traumas become conscious". The more we try to forget 'negative' experiences the more they get lost in our subconscious. When this happens we eventually don't know anymore where our fears stem from. In terms of fear dissolution, metaphorically speaking, we end up using the wrong screwdriver for the 'fear screw', and try to make it fit in some way without noticing that our tool is not the right to loosen this specific screw in the first place.

And YES, it surely propagates the process of those close to us. "As within so without", goes the hermetic wisdom, we only need to fix ourselves to contribute most to the world ;)

Thank you for your Heart-spoken words!

resteemed this one. Great and deep article.
I see some parallels to fractal cosmology but I have a problem with the duality.

When we look mathematicly there is for example Light and Not-Light or A and Not-A. But the one is not defined by the other and vice versa, they are both defined by the 1,x dimensional space-Seperator.

For exsample the Mandelbrotset an object with infinite complexity, similar to our Universe

There is clearly inner and outer space but the space seperator is what defines both. And therefore its a trinity and not a duality. But ofcourse its in first place Oneness.

😃 Your perspective of things is surely unique!

Yeah, I mean , the Universe is virtually infinite, and outside this Universe there are again infinite Universes.

The way you say it, I would say that the difference between Separation and Trinity is that while the former only counts in opposites (Light, Dark), the latter also counts in the mutual overlap between both. So one foot in Separation, one foot in Oneness, and the Awareness of this creates an equilibrium which allows us to be in neither of each completely, making for a unique experience in between.

But yeah, there is so much more than the Human eye and mind can see, and the older I get the more I realize that I don't know anything at all. We are just experiencing ourselves, and what we consider as true for us today,we might consider as false tomorrow. So "real" Knowingness does not exist...

Thanks for this very interesting comment! :)

Haha, if that is what you consider beautiful! ;)

And we set out like: "I'm going to find that separation! you just wait"

Suffering ensues :D

Nice post

Yeah, but as the mother says: "Of course nothing could have ever happened against you, otherwise I wouldn't have let you embark on that journey in the first place!" ;)

The realization that separation is an illusion is very overwhelming, in some cases, it can lead to a complete detachment from reality. That is a real shame we can't help other to realise the truth

You are right! Everything breakes down, not only physically but also mentally, psychologically and even morally. For some more rapid but tougher, and for others slower yet less tough.
And yeah, people don't want to be told what to do or not. But ok, if we have the choice to decide which way to go for ourselves, we have accept that others have their choice as well. The practical lesson is inevitable, apparently.

Thank you for this comment! :)

For us a lesson in humility...

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