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RE: Being over Doing

Perfectly stated. Could have been my words! More so, once we had the true experience of Being Love and that nothing can possibly ever happen to us, in any situation where we feel any kind of fear we then are able to see the artificiality of our choice for fear. If we stop for a moment and realize this, we see that there is no fear at all to be feared, hence within the twinkling of an eye we can shift our emotional state to Love and Inner Peace. Sometimes it can be the case that some very deeply buried emotions rise to the surface and need to be felt in order to let them go, and this can be tough DESPITE huge emotional and spiritual maturity in the wake of having experienced and having let go tons of fear energies with Love. In such scenarios we might experience some emotional volatility, but we have enough power to restore inner balance. The saying "You never get more than you can handle" will then be taken to a whole other level, a level most don't even dare to delve into yet for us it is the next step to grow even further beyond any limits This is the typical consciousness bifurcation where those who want to grow on a Soul level will feel immature when they neglect the lesson in Love, while those who deny Soul growth think (!) this is a sign of strength.



Yes this is true

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