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RE: The perfect plan has no plan

Great comment! Yes, whenever we set a thought-made goal it is actually the feeling which we want. But we cannot think ourselves to the feeling. We can only feel ourselves to the feeling. And feeling unfolds in the absence of thoughts.


I have a slightly different perspective here. Authentic feelings about something are what we get when we perceive it without thought. Thoughts generate emotions which in turn generate feelings. In this case feelings are more related to what we have been experienced and learnt through our lives.

Hm, interesting. My experience is that the more I think the more negative emotions are being created, and the more I let go thoughts the more I connect with inner Peace. We are all different. :)

What would you feel if your thoughts are positive?

Surely, I get your point. In oder to get truly positive thoughts for me it was first necessary to release all negative thought patterns by practising mental Silence. Without this mental Silence I surely would have had positive thoughts here and then, but the negative thoughts patterns would have remained in place as well, causing an inner disbalance. So what I am saying is that for me mental Silence devoid of thoughts was THE key to release negative thought patterns, because only in mental Silence I was able to re-establish my Heart-connection, and from here induce positivity. Our every thought depends on our own Heart-connection. But I say all this without any sense of being more right than others. We all have personal experiences which are equally valid with nobody being more true or less ;)

Perfect 🙂. About thoughts and mental silence, there is a great book by Eckhart Tolle titled The Power Of Now, it reveals alot about how to deal with thoughts.

Legend man! I listened to the audio book of the power of now, after I had read A New Earth, that one is also great to learn about the ego, emotional aspects of ego and mindpatterns

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