Past energies in places

Returning to places where I experienced intense emotions many years ago feels strange.

In these situations I feel a strange melancholic drag, probably owing to the intensity of emotion experienced back then in this particular place. Especially if all attachment to the past emotions has been let go of long ago already, winding up in the corresponding place can feel very surreal, because the past emotion is still palpable. It is like tapping into a former energy field of my own, yet experiencing it from a detached position to the extend that I wonder whether it was really me who had experienced that intensity of emotion back then and why I had clung so much to certain emotions, so outgrown and long bygone does it feel.

Even more reason to be my most responsible and highest Self Version for my most loved ones and beyond, because whenever I have these moments I am reminded of how important it is for me to positively anticipate the future without unhealed wounds of the past keeping me entangled in the mud of regret or pain.


I think, that "breaking up old self" is not creating the new self, but really to become what I meant to be in the first place. The old me was the creation of some other people, whom I had to please, like parents, bosses etc. So for me, breaking up the old me and create a new me is not actually anything new: I just want my own power back and to be who I meant to be. There is nothing new. I just want to take into the light what I really am. Not what some other people wanted me to be.

Exactly! It surely is not about reinventing ourselves or "eradicating" aspects of ourselves we considered weaknesses as our "old Self". What we are actually doing is rediscovering ourselves, because our true essence never ceased to exist to begin with.

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