Lexicon of spirit animals: otter


Mode of life:

As a land animal that belongs to the weasel family the otter has strongly adapted to the aquatic life, inhabiting lakes, ponds and swamps. Some species, such as the sea otter, even live off the seashore. Common otter traits are their slinky and muscular body, a waterproof fur the color of which ranges from light grey to dark brown, and long whiskers. An otter's paw consists of five webbed toes that end with non-retractable claws, while the front legs are a tad shorter than the hind legs. At their ellbows otters have tufts of hair that allow them to sense every tiniest contact even in murky water. Since otters have their ears and nostrils closed when underwater, eyes and whiskers are their main tools for any kind of subaquatic activity. Specially enough, otters have a very broad voice volume which can sometimes even sound like an audio cacophony serving as peals of alarm in the face of enemies or to beg for food from the parents. More so, otters are very apt applicators of unique body postures which are a means of non-verbal communication between otter families. Normally they are reclusive animals that are active at twilight or night. By means of feces they earmark their territory to clearly indicate potential interlopers that they are undesired, yet otters are known to uncarefully leave their dens or even their cubs when under stress, making for increased home assailability. Generally, otters are very adoring parents that love to sunbathe and splash about with their comrades. Water fowl, frogs and fish is the otter's staple diet and the average lifespan counts 16 years.



Spiritually light aspects:

If we intend to enhance our non-verbal communication skills the otter is our first choice. With its vast gamut of acrobatic body postures the otter teaches us the significance of self-awareness in terms of how we present ourselves to the world. Knowing that initial impression can clinch the subconscious assessment process, otters turn our attention onto preprogrammed gestures and countenance under the notion that these are telltale signs of what makes somebody tick. Otters galvanise us to not become fake versions imitating others but to let our unique energy come into fruition with full self-love for who we are, chirping:"Stop tinkering yourself in a way you think others will like. The goal is not to make your amount of self-love dependent on how others view you but to learn loving yourself irrespective of how others view you. While cultivating the former lets you drift away from your authentic Self, the latter will align you more with your authentic Self, with either choice reflecting itself in the interpersonal relationships you will draw into your life." Connecting with the otter facilitates the collapsing of inauthentic gestures, facial expressions and behavioral patterns, the yield of which will be more natural self-confidence and genuineness.



Spiritually dark aspects:

Otters become easily stressed out. The fact that otters carelessly leave their cubs when under stress, for example in the face of an enemy, exemplifies how stress is never conducive. Instead, in such state we become reckless, forgetful and unproductive. Stress is a result of external focus driven by the illusory need of complying with a gridlocked societal state, hence a state of helplessness. The opposite thereof poses inner peace, which incrementally develops as we consciously decide to shift from without to within. On this journey we receive all insights we need to corroborate our newly gained mindset of freedom. Where once there was recklessness there is now responsibility, and increasing Heart alignment ensures our every action to be most foresightedly and energy-savingly targeted at maximum long-term outcome. People with the otter as their spirit animal are recommended to unplug from illusory consciousness disarmament and take their power back by recalibrating focus from outward to inward.


Much Love and Light,



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