Lexicon of spirit animals: raven


Mode of life:

Raven species, for example the crow, are living across the entire planet, preferring grassland and woods as their natural habitat, but also urban areas and meadows. There are non-breeder and breeder species: while the non-breeders limit the ravens' population density, breeders create nests comprised of clay, grass and moss. Most often, raven species use one and the same nest for each annual breeding cycle, they will simply refurbish their nest. They are gregarious animals that build communal roosting sites during the cold seasons. Here, they inform each other about the discovery of food sources and share very same among the community. Ravens are able to communicate across long distances, sometimes gathering out of nowhere into huge flocks. They are omnivores occasionally feeding on carrion. Being a very elusive bird, the raven perspicaciously observes its environment and takes every precaution against potential threads. Hawks and owls are their main predators, and as with most birds, their lifespan largely depends on their ability to evade enemies. Some raven species can become 20 years old, while others normally don't become older than 6-9 years.



Spiritually light aspects:

The raven helps us to reveal and dissolve dark energies that weaved themselves into our Soul in the past and still affect us. Connecting with the raven increases our ability to see what exactly it is that prevents us from thriving into the abundance that is lying dormant in all of us waiting to be unleashed. They summon us to look closely and to not shrink back from dark forces. Instead of getting involved in fights with illusory darkness we are to accept and pass through it, for behind every shadow there is a greater source of light, otherwise it couldn't exist. Ravens prompt us to observe our thoughts carefully and understand that we can indeed choose our thoughts. Letting thoughts flow through us and observing them from a neutral vantage point is not enough; it requires conscious mental reset by means of mental silence to erase outdated thought patterns and replace them with new, healthier ones. With the raven on our side we learn to not let old clutter of any sort further pollute our energy field.



Spiritually dark aspects:

When people with the raven as their spirit animal ignore their Soul work their energy field tends to be more disproportionately messy. When this is the case, we have a sorrowful Heart without knowing why. There is so much old junk in our energy field that it is not easy to get to the cause of all the heaviness we have been dragging along. Consequently, the misty fog created by past clutter blurs our clarity to a degree that we get entangled in misinterpretations of cause and effect entailing confusion that exhausts us in the long run. Any action we take in this state is usually accompanied by a great deal of doubt. As such, the raven can be prone to dark magical influence.


Much Love and Light,



Great informations. Ravens are really mysterious for me. In the Celtic mythology they are famous too!
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