Who is Wuchowsen & What is Awakening?
Wuchowsen Rushing Wind Eagle a member of the Rainbow Family of Living Light, Medicine Tribe, and recognized by Tribal Nations of the Four Directions was called to have an Awakening. Asked to share The Awakening with others to Rise and Awaken the 7th Generations of Rainbow Warriors, Starseeds & healers to make this planet a safer, more mindful, joyful, blissful planet with peace, love unity and respect for our children and our children's children. He has returned to Source, and with help of Alchemaitress White Wolf Woman, community members of an Eco-Village & online social media groups, we share videos of how to awaken to a higher state of collective consciousness and mindfulness through unity with community by opening our heart space for others to share in this movement.
He didn’t remember his name as Wuchowsen Rushing Wind Eagle until recently when he made a complete surrender to come back to Source and commitment to being the Change .
Upon returning to Source and going through an Awakening he openly shares his stories and healing from support of community in an EcoVillage and guidance from Alcahemaitress White Wolf Woman. He hopes to inspire those in his Starseed, Pleiadans, Arcturians, Rainbow Family, Indigo Children, Blue Arians and Medicine Tribe to come together in a Collective Consciousness and Mindfulness so we can Rise the 7th Generation, Igniting the 8th Fire call forth a New Earth to a healthy, vibrant, joyful, blissful and safe planet for our children and our children’s children.
Wuchowsen Rushing Wind Eagle, also known as Scooby Hugs, is an activist, water protector, musician, DJ, producer, and galactic wizard & Mystic Healer. The name Scooby Hugs was originated sometime in the early 1990's by the Rainbow Family of Light with other variations such as ScoobyDooWhereRU for online marketing and music promotions.
After an accident in 2009 that left Scooby in a coma for quite sometime, Scooby Hugs went to lead a Free Hugs movement in Asheville, NC known as "Free Hugs of Asheville. He participated in peace, love and unity movements, prayer and water ceremonies throughout the world. Some of the activist projects included the "Occupy Movement" ,"NODAPL Standing Rock Pipeline Protest," and the Peace , Love & Unity tour with Infinite Love in Motion 2017 to Celebrate 50 years of the Summer of Love. Scooby Hugs is a retried Network Engineer who used to have a contract with NASA before the accident.
He now spends the majority of his time and abundance to focus on expanding consciousness through high vibrational peaceful interactions, prayer ceremony and music as performer "MysteryINK." MysteryINK creates electronic dance music blended with spiritual / high vibrational kirtan and spoken word poetry.
MysteryINK has been performing music professionally since 1996. Originally founded and produced by Scooby Hugs, the group is now composed of musicians, artist and poets that come together collaboratively to promote Peace, Love & Unity through high vibrational, conscious-minded music, dance movement and art. The music is a blend of Electronic Dance Music, Ecstatic Dance mixed with Kirtan, Call & Response with live Spoken Word Poetry.
The name Wuchowsen Rushing Wind was told told to him throughout many timelines. However, the conscious was not open to change due to old programming and thought patterns that we abolished by Mother Pachamama when he returned to Source.
Support from community is needed now for Wuchowsen to help carry on the Whirling Wind Rainbow Prophecies and guide him through the Awakening! Let’s share these stories inspire and help everyone come to a collective consciousness and Awaken this New Earth 🌏
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin... All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge you in this prayer...
To the Creator, for the ultimate gift of life, I thank you.
To the mineral nation that has built and maintained my bones and all foundations of life experience, I thank you.
To the plant nation that sustains my organs and body and gives me healing herbs for sickness, I thank you.
To the animal nation that feeds me from your own flesh and offers your loyal companionship in this walk of life, I thank you.
To the human nation that shares my path as a soul upon the sacred wheel of Earthly life, I thank you.
To the Spirit nation that guides me invisibly through the ups and downs of life and for carrying the torch of light through the Ages. I thank you.
To the Four Winds of Change and Growth, I thank you.
You are all my relations, my relatives, without whom I would not live. We are in the circle of life together, co-existing, co-dependent, co-creating our destiny. One, not more important than the other. One nation evolving from the other and yet each dependent upon the one above and the one below. All of us a part of the Great Mystery.
Thank you for this Life.
AHO, Namaste, Blessings Divine Beings, Hari OM,
Wuchowsen Rushing Wind Eagle 💨🦅
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