The Oracle finally speaks...

First things first, I have gone back to the old format as it appears the book style did not go down well, took bloody ages as well! It hurts you don't like my creativity, only joking just though I would try something new. It didn't work so back to the drawing board hey.

A while back now purchased some Oracle Cards...

 This story actually goes back to the day I visited the Chalice Well in Glastonbury in fact (Mysterious Resting Butterfly... is the name of that post, one of my first). Back then I was developing an interested animal spirits and was experiencing a lot of animal contact and dreams.  I was really drawn to these Animal Oracle cards in a shop I visited but did not buy them, later in the day I went back and they were still calling me.  Anyways I was convinced by my ex (we were still together then) to buy them, she pointed them out to me in the first place.  Now I did not really know how to used them but she did Tarot cards and I had seen a bit of that so though why not.

To be honest with you I have not really done much with them since. On the day of purchased I read all about them and in a flurry of excitement did readings through the night as it was the solstice. Then I did a few on my return up north but it fizzled out. Not out of lack of interest, just stresses of what was going on I think.

Their return into my life...

We jump forward to a few days or so ago. And suddenly I had the urge to get them out. I am still in the process of learning and have the book to guide me.

They are a very detailed set and from the UK so have UK site on them. Interesting the first one I pull out was the Fire Dragon that interestingly has the Glastonbury Tor on it. I was sat at the Tor at the time very fitting.Now I am trying to do more readings for myself as I develop on my spiritual journey. I need to do that post, I was going to do it in my video series but that didn't take off. So I have labeled this as the first with more to come.

My first reading in a long time was very positive and so fitting, as I am starting a fresh the card reflected that so well and spoke of my increased confidence an direction. So proving a good Oracle for me! Maybe once I get more advanced in their use I will share more with you.


Your new journey begins my friend. It would be interesting to find out what each animal represents in general. I know you are partial to monkeys. Lol🐓🐓

Yes I am the sign of the Monkey also in the Chinese zodiac! Once I am more confident in it I will do some posts on the animals meanings, i'm very new to it at the moment but am being drawn in further :)

Hi there, glad I stumbled upon you here :) Although I am not an addict of oracle cards, nor expert, I have a few decks and can relate to your being called by them. For open-minded folks, who are intuitive, wisdom and guidance can be found within these decks. Last night, having just started a series here on Animal Spirit guides where I showcase my illustrations, I spoke to my spirit guide and asked which animal was my guide. I was told that it was the Eagle. This was no great surprise as I have experienced two extreme and somewhat miraculous interactions with the Eagle - but that is a story for another time! ;) I enjoyed your piece and having upvoted/followed invite you to pop by mine. I wish you well on your journey and extend Seasons Greetings to you and yours xox (PS for some peculiar reason my upvote, insignificant as it is financially, is not registering? I will try again later).

And this is why I love Steemit. Great our paths crossed, an your in the UK, Welcome. I will check out your posts for sure, following and hope to share some knowledge. Thank you and sessional greeting yo you and yours also :)

awww, i liked it... yea it was a bit hard to read but i liked how it looked

Yer I realised that it looked better in my head. I could make it bigger but to be honest it took a lot off effort. I think its my creative flair coming back I need to produce some more art!

This is interesting. I actually don't know anything about oracle cards.

You remind me of my follower @tarotbyfergus lol.

Haha yer seen some of his posts! I still very new to it but they seem to hold a truth. With tarot cards, me an my ex once both got the same spread a not great one and a few months later we lost out baby, maybe coincidence but six cards the same randomly selected strange! Still in two minds myself but no harm hey :)

Fascinating! I just used the term Oracle for the first time ever in my post today.

Wow amazing how the universe connects us all :)

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