Dial Up Your Vibrational Life!

in #spiritual7 years ago


When bad things happen, or if your life is not “all it’s cracked up to be”, it’s not your fault.

Let go of any shame you may be holding surrounding your life-circumstances.

The truth is you are a vibrational being, pure movement, and pure energy.

Did you know that you are vibrating at a certain location on a vibrational-scale at any given time.

If you are not aware of your location - on this vibrational-scale, and how it is affecting you - then you are not in command of your best life.

Allow me to explain:

You know that here on earth humans are subject to the law of duality. You live in a world of opposite forces that are always at play, ex. alkaline/acid, positive/negative, well/sick, up/down etc.

Since you are subject to the law of duality you must learn the secret to staying above the number five on your vibrational-life-scale. You must learn to “dial up” your life, to not only keep it running smoothly, but to live it magnificently.

On a scale of one to ten, you want to dial up to a level five or higher!

NEGATIVE (1-----------------5----------------10) POSITIVE

According to the ancients.. you came here to earth to learn how to control your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies by being able to feel the results of what you are projecting through these vehicles. Eventually you manifest in your physical body, life, surroundings, and circumstances.

In the upper realms you do not have the luxury of a delay in cause and effect as here on earth.

But – the good news is that you are in complete control of where you vibrate on this life-scale at any given time.

You may there-by control your personal life-happenings, and environment, with little effort on your part. The details will work themselves out.

It has been said that disease cannot thrive in a body that is more alkaline than acid. When the body is too acid sugar is more prevalent for cancer cells, or other like-diseases to feed upon.

In kind, the ancients say that it is also - so - that no form of discord or disease can be in harmony and remain manifested in your life, when you are tuned-in to, or vibrating-in, an “ongoing positive mind-frame” (of a level five vibration or higher).

They say that when you are vibrating at a level five or above, you are in a vibrational area that allows you to recognize, hear, see, taste, touch, smell, or understand, divine assistance and there-by receive it into your life.

When you are vibrating at a level five or higher, you will become magnetized. When you become magnetized your questions will be answered, your instincts will kick in, your ideas will more easily manifest, your problems will dissolve, your health will improve, and your happiness will kick into high-gear.

How can you dial up your life-vibrational to a five or higher, there-by becoming a magnet for good?

You can know..on a scale of one to ten where you are vibrating, by how you are emoting or feeling at any given time.

How do you feel right now?

Are you anxious with an acute pain in your stomach?

Are the people around you saying hurtful things causing a painful lump to form in your throat? Are you worried? Are you in pain and feeling like throwing up…or like throwing in the towel?

Whenever you feel discordant emotions, see a scale of one to ten in your minds-eye and dial yourself up to a five or higher, by thinking about something that instantly lifts your spirits and emotions to a happy state.

See the dial on the scale in your minds-eye moving closer and closer to the number 10. Think of nothing else for the moment and allow those good thoughts to instantly lift your feeling-body to a higher level of happiness. Now - stay there for a while, there-by allowing the new vibration to “set-point”.

It is also imperative that you do this right before falling asleep as well, so that you will vibrate positivity all through the night.

You will awaken refreshed and renewed.

When those around you are projecting negativity - threatening to destabilize your new vibrational stance, visualize your solar plexus area in the center of your rib cage or stomach, as a bright-white emoting-pole.

See yourself literally hanging on to this pole as if for dear life, as other peoples negativity blows through whipping you to and fro. However - you are safe and holding fast to the pole and to your good emotions.

Now dial up your life and live magnificently – live the life of your dreams!

One day...when you travel back to the other side, you will be a Master from the Vibrational-Scale-of-Duality, and they will gather around the camp fire...from all around...to listen to your stories of triumph.

Written by,
Dannie Duncan


Thanks for sharing... Love it.

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