Dark Side of the Moon Stargate; Meeting the Goddess Selene

in #spiritual6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to @MetaRadiant!

A Sanctuary where I create original poetic rhymes filled with magic, inspiration, wisdom, spirituality, and humor from my real physical and lucid experiences. Enjoy!

unknown source

Visited I, the Alliance and Guardians of Space.
In various stargates, I met and communicated with many ET Race.
Through the first stargate, a bug race of Mantids bodied intelligence.
Sharp and bony looking creatures of pushy diligence.
They telepathically told me, you must be lost, you don't belong here.
I was then drawn to a certain race by pure magnetic steer.

I entered a stargate, greeted by a race on the dark side of the moon.
Led by a goddess I met named Selene, very highly attuned.
Came she from a race clothed in MetaRadiant glowing white robes.
Definitely not from this solar system spheres of orbiting globes.
I looked into her eyes, vast wisdom of crystalline library within.
She knows all records of what is to come, what is, and has been.

Selene approached me, saying "ask anything and you shall know"
I jokingly asked "who am I?"

Selene replied:
"you tell me, you volunteered to be in this 15th dimension beyond eye."
I then answered: "I would like to know the Evolution of this Source,
When it has come, Where it is now, Where is the headed course."

Selene replied:
"This Source of this Universe is a child, fractalized from the Cosmic wild.
The temple pyramid holds the portal to travel and see" As she smiled.

I then said, "A waterfall of Gold to activate the chamber is needed"
Immediately she alchemized the waterfall of gold to be feeded.
Inside the pyramid chamber, the pillars filled and dissipated.
As the Sacred Stargate was now activated.
The surrounding physical forms began to disappear.
Atomizing into timelessness for us to Enter and Seer.

We entered with a team, on a mission to clear the energy streams.
On the other side, were ancient portals overrun by demonic dreams.
Selene stated, "document this extreme and activate the Light Beams.
Share with the Glowing Council of the progress to deem.
Recover the portals connected to the Fractal ALL.
The mission given to repair the tear and fall."

The Stargate grid connected the Alliances beyond the cosmic doorway,
for Spheres of influence beyond the known Light Ray.
Cleared the way on this new moon day beyond time say.
Be ready for the Grand Acceleration these coming days.
From now into near time, for Truth to be Known and fully Disclose,
The beauty and danger of the prickly thorn and Sacred Rose.



Wow! I love the way you tell your extraordinary, off-world stories in poetic rhymes! ☺

Btw, I'm intrigued to know more about Selene? Which Et Race she belongs to? And, is that energy quarantine still up in between the layers around the Earth?

I think, you do energy grid work, too. Isn't it?

Selene was from what I term, the metaradiant glowing ones, which are an ancient race of creators older than this creation of universe. I would not call them arcturians, or sirians, or pleiadians, or andromedans, or any other those, because they are beyond this realm. There are those that volunteer to be of service that step from the veil to manifest in these realms (15th dimension in this case which I was aware of). She did embody into this universe to experience it, but I have no clue from human perspective the details.

She did put her robes of light body away to be manifest. She dressed in the silky darkness of night with accents of silver light. Closest thing I could describe how she looked; is that she wore a shiny fabric like the night sky reflected on calm waters, which was form fitted to her athletic yet feminine figure; that would not get in the way of going on quests through stargates. Her face looked like she was 30ish with a pacific islander facial type, yet she is ancient with silvery hair that fell to her mid back. The most amazing feature I would have to say were her eyes. It was so vast and infinite I have no clue how to describe. It is like looking into eyes that were compassionate yet so infinite in wisdom. When looking into her silvery eyes, it is like seeing multiverses sparkling within in microcosmic form. She was extremely pretty within and of course that reflected out lol.

They come and go working with people on the surface. So I am not sure about a quarantine. Hmm. I do have fun with energy grids. I have a funny story of being in arizona, climbing the peaks of a certain mountain range griding the tops in ancient ways to create a large grid. Later that day, a black helicopter was about 25 feet above me hovering in circles. I took out my cellphone about to take pictures and record them, but they flew off. A few days later, they actually landed in the property I was doing energy work for. All the construction workers and people were like wth is going on.. There are much more details, but that can be saved for another poem =P

The first thing that again caught my attention was this "the Black Helicopter", coz, I am pretty aware of those shadow government tactics to warn you in the same way that "The Man-in-Black" used to do. Now, they choose those black helicopters instead, to tell you that they are keeping their eyes on you. They do this with everyone of us who are possible threats for their agenda and their satellite grids are continuously tracking us as they can easily see our expanded, unique aura very clearly through those satellite grids, and they are doing more things on very subtle levels. I have to make sure always to stay in my vortex and keep my Violet shield on always. Coz, I often found their activities around me.

Anyways, It's very amazing to read about your detailed description about "Selene", Many of us are working at night time. I know and aware that lot of things are going on behind the scenes on many different levels, plans and dimensions.

Quarantine is one of the main thing along with frequency fence. I should suffice now. Thank you for spreading your wisdom and for your divine work you're doing here! 😊

Much love, light and blessings to you! 💚 🌟 ✨

Much love, light, and blessings to you as well. Ohh btw, I would like to hear more about your story and experiences as well =)

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