The Spiritual Consequences of Alcohol Consumption

in #spiritual6 years ago

veryone knows that alcohol can be harmful to health if its drunk in excess on a regular basis and the problems that it can cause for the human body go far beyond a sore head the next morning. But could it also be possible that alcohol is harmful to a person’s spiritual health?

The dark spiritual origins of alcohol
Al Khul Ghoul Word
Most people are not aware that alcohol has a profoundly spiritual basis. The word ‘alcohol’ itself comes from the Arabic ‘al-kuhl’ which translates as ‘body eating spirit’ and also has lent itself to the English term ‘ghoul’. In folklore in the Middle East, a ghoul is considered to be a demon that feeds of human bodies, sometimes corpses which they steal or living children. In addition to this, alcohol appears in ancient Middle Eastern texts as a metaphor for the ‘life water’ or the ‘spirit’ and it appears that it had an essential role to play for the alchemists of antiquity.

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Jason Christoff explains that in alchemy, alcohol was “used to extract the soul essence of an entity.” It was believed that if one took alcohol into the body, then it would extract the essence of the soul. This would make the body vulnerable to wandering spirits who may well be invisible. Christoff claims that alcohol makes people behave in ways that they would normally not do because a dark demon takes control of the body. This can lead to violence, sexual promiscuity, petty criminal acts and, of course, arguments. It is also can lead to black outs, Christoff claims because “Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity.”

Drinking Alcoholic Beer Distilled Beverage
This begs the question why alcohol, which could well be classified as a visionary medicine, is still legal in most countries in the world when so many other substances which lead to similar (or less harmful) effects are banned. The health problems caused by over-indulging in alcohol are well known including depression of the nervous system, liver damage, damage to the immune system and low-level brain damage. It is also potential fatal for a foetus in the womb if the pregnant woman drinks alcohol. In addition to the public health issues caused by alcohol, it is also at the centre of a huge number of crimes committed all over the world every year. Given the material harm that alcohol inflicts on society, one might feel that the spiritual aspects of the substance should be ignored in favour of tackling its concrete real effects. However, in certain quarters it is believed that it is the spiritual power of alcohol that will ensure that it is never made illegal in countries such as the United States.

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The use of psychedelic drugs and visionary medicines is strictly controlled in the United States even though many of these drugs are proven to have no ill-effects and can have a positive long-term impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. The fact that these substances are restricted and access to alcohol is not similarly treated, some people believe that there is a conscious effort to utilise the negative spiritual properties of alcohol to keep the population in submission by making them disempowered, unhealthy and devoid of spiritual wholeness.the-spiritual-consequences-of-alcohol-consumption-140799.jpgthe-spiritual-consequences-of-alcohol-consumption-315788-2.jpg

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