Max Igan is a saint

in #spiritual6 years ago


What is the worth of a heart that does not feel love? What is the worth of a mind that does not have wisdom? To God, they are of no worth, except as fuel for the lake of fire, to burn until they are no more.

A loving heart is a saint. A wise mind is an angel. But the virtue that arises from a loving heart and a wise mind that are joined as one heralds a son of God. To them belong both the heaven and the earth.

A saint has within them the Spirit of Life, the manifestation of which is love. An angel has within them the Spirit of Truth, the manifestation of which is wisdom. Were we to accept such spirits with us, we would be gods.

It is enough that I share with you the video productions of both saints and angels, but be wise to the fact that they are still lost and their truths are still wanting. While the heart is prone to lust and greed, the mind is prone to paranoia and nightmares. Even the best of us fall short of the reality of God in this respect. But take from them what bread they have to give, and feed of the righteousness that arises from within you.

I want to speak to you of a man whose videos I have shared many times. This may come across as judgement against him, but my intention is to speak only what is profitable. I do this for the glory of God, and because I know that this man has the strength to take it. His name is Max Igan, and I consider him to be a brother in this journey of life and understanding. He has within him both the Truth and the Life, and I have told him so. Whether or not he sees this for himself is unknown to me.

Max, like most truth seekers, still largely searches for truth from within the world, rather than from within himself. Because if this, his chosen beliefs are sometimes wild and fearful. He investigates what he sees before him and when he is satisfied that he has found a truth, he publishes it, promoting it with great fervour. I do not judge him for this, because the Spirit of Truth searches within what it knows before it moves on to greener pastures. This is the same journey for us all.

Amongst other things, Max talks about the 5G network and its destructive effects on humans, about chemtrails and the nanobots being distributed to the population, about population control and the plan of men to cull a vast number of the world's citizens. Such things are so apocalyptic that you surely have to wonder if they are even real. Many people believe in them, but they are simply a step too far.

It behoves me to say at this point that man is not actually capable of such wilful genocide, that if, in fact, such hatred existed in those that are in positions of power, they would self-destruct, as the love in their hearts would quickly convict them of their duplicity. Such paranoid fantasies, no matter how real they appear, no matter how much proof is gathered in their defence, cannot be true, because man is incapable of being so duplicitous. Willfully ignorant, yes, but willfully destructive, no.

Such things are fantasies of a mind that has lost reason. Not only will mens hearts not follow through on such things, it fully denies that those men who sought positions of power in the first place have an understanding of what's right within their own minds. If a man had no heart, then he could most definitely think like a computer and do what he thought was best for the world as a whole rather than for the individuals in it, but every man does indeed have a heart, and not one would forsake it, lest he lose himself.

In this, even Adolf Hitler thought that what he was doing was right for his country. His heart had a loving foundation for what later came to be seen as the genocide of the Jews. At no point could such a foundation be seen as the cause of the genocide of the human race, which these wild theories promote.

The Spirit of Life would not tolerate such destructive actions, nor would the Spirit of Truth imagine them. We are most definitely a fallen race, but we are not so far from God that we would wilfully destroy the world, most especially if we were the ones blessed with great wealth and power.

No, these things are machinations of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They are our wildest nightmares. They are dark visions of our greatest boogeyman. And they are shadows, and nothing more. We believe them regardless, because we are lost, but truthfully, they don't exist.

Finding truth in conspiracy theories is only the beginning of the journey into wisdom. Truthfully, all we will discover from them is the power of mankind's imagination to see unrestrained evil. It is only when we look deeper, within our very selves, that we see the truth of who we are, and by extension, who we all are.

Having said all this, I consider Max to be have a heart of gold. The Spirit of Life shines within him. Even though he rarely mentions God, his heart is aligned with God nonetheless. He cares for mankind, and the truth he speaks from his own experiences are loving and valid. He is humble, since wealth and power hold no value to him. He is truthful, since his days are spent speaking freely of what he discovers to others. Many will come to suffer in their journey out of the world to be just like him. And when the Spirit of Truth finds fulfilment in him, he will become a god among men, speaking only what is true.

So don't think that I condemn him in any way, for I condemn only the paranoia, which is the wasteland that he currently walks, in his journey of seeking the promised land, of truth and of life. May he be an example to us all.

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