in #spiritual6 years ago

The Purpose for Spiritual Disciplines
“Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” (1 Ti 4:7). Spiritual disciplines produce the character qualities associated with godliness.

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Discipline = train
• Spiritual disciplines are designed to promote spiritual awareness by strengthening the spirit of man (Gal 5:16-17).

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• Man’s spirit is renewed as he masters spiritual disciplines and feeds on the Word of God (2 Co 4:16; Col 3:10).

Godliness = (a) to be devout, (b) a God-ward attitude, doing what is well pleasing to God, (c) God-fearing.
• Godliness is the fruit of spiritual formation, which is the fundamental process of discipleship.

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The Benefits of Spiritual Disciplines

• They facilitate intimacy with God.
• They help us maintain spiritual health.
• They heighten our awareness of God.
• They deepen our desire for the things of God.
• They increase our ability to hear God’s voice.
• They foster simplicity in our faith.
• They produce self-discipline.

The Nature and Operation of Spiritual Disciplines

  1. They are patterns and habits, which are done regularly.
  2. They require faith and transparency (integrity).
  3. They are done within the context of our daily lives.
  4. They must be skillfully “mastered” or developed.
  5. They are deliberate choices we make.
  6. They involve the discipline (or control) of our wills.
  7. They strengthen our spirits by denying fleshly desires.
  8. They produce character and spiritual formation.
    “To know the mechanics [of the Disciplines, i.e., how to do them] does not mean that we are practicing the Disciplines. The Spiritual Disciplines are an inward and spiritual reality, and the inner attitude of the heart is far more crucial than the mechanics for coming into the reality of the Spiritual life.

Three Categories of Spiritual Disciplines

  1. Personal disciplines
    • The “First Works” (Beginning Disciplines)
    • The “Growth Works” (Growing Disciplines)
  2. Abstinence Disciplines
    • Going without something
  3. Corporate disciplines

Things you do with others
Personal Disciplines

  1. Prayer – communicating with God
  2. Bible study – understanding the Word of God
  3. Giving – intentionally giving tithes, offerings, and gifts
  4. Serving – intentional acts of kindness or service
  5. Fasting – deliberately choosing to abstain from food 6. Meditation – going deeply into passages of Scripture
  6. Evangelism – sharing your faith with another person or group
  7. Stewardship – surrendering your possessions to the Lord
  8. Journaling – recording your thoughts and events in a book
  9. Living by Faith – trusting God for every need.


  1. Communicating with God
  2. Communication requires speaking the same language. What language does God speak? His Word!
  3. Effective prayer requires honesty (integrity), faith, quality time, persistence, and passion.
  4. When – choose a moment when you have sufficient, quality time, usually when you are at your best. Earlier is better than later.
  5. Where – choose a private place that is free from distractions.
  6. How long – begin with a brief period of time (5-10 minutes), and then it will naturally grow longer. Do not worry about the quantity of your prayer time. Quality is more important than quantity.
  7. Prepare to pray – get quiet before God and begin to listen; open His Word to hear His voice and get direction for your prayers.
  8. Pray in the Spirit – you should ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit and then allow the Spirit to lead you in your prayers.
  9. ACTS praying:
    • Adoration – worship (based on who God is) and praise (based on what God has done)
    • Confession – repentance of sin, confession of fears, doubts, getting your conscience clear.
    • Thanksgiving – express gratitude to God for all He has done, for His blessings, for who He is.
    • Supplication – bring your requests to God.
  10. Pray the Scriptures – the Psalms and the prophetic writings are rich for developing your prayer life and language.
  11. Keep a prayer journal – write the things God has spoken to you, the prayers He has answered, the Scriptures He has used in your life; use the journal to record thoughts and lists of people to pray for.
  12. Pray with faith – believe God will answer your prayers (Mt 7:7-11; Jas 4:2; 5:16-18).
  13. Pray according to God’s will (Mt 26:39,42).
  14. Pray in the name of Jesus (Jn 14:13-14; 16:23).
  15. Become a student of prayer, learning from others (Lk 11:1).

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