Spiritual Lockdown: Wspihere’s my divinity?! Symptoms & Solutions

"Spiritual lockdown is a block to divinity. We struggle to align with higher vibratory fields of existence. We are prevented from achieving spaces of inner zen. Spiritual lockdown is a weapon of mass destruction within the matrix, engineered specifically to prevent humanities ascension. It affects all souls who incarnate in human lifetimes on Gaia. Soul siphoning ensures too many simply don’t have enough signature soul imprint to break out of conditioning, automatons hardwired to keep the system operating. A travesty of soul rights recognised across the multiverse. The Federation of Light have taken steps to fix this situation. We are part of the solution. We have been targeted in past lives and in childhood, our destinies known to our enemies before they were known to us. Most of us were triggered, woken up, in the last few years of Gaia’s accelerated ascension.

Structurally we are recalibrating to crystalline core coding. Upgrades to our DNA bringing us online with higher states of being. Our minds expand beyond the constraints of established narratives of our existence, rights and place in the multiverse. We reconnect with the divinity of our bodies, unplugging from toxins, making moderation our baseline algorithm to break apart consumer conditioning. We stoke the fire of our souls, evolving in shadow work and spiritual practice. Spiritual lockdown prevents all of the above, our mindbodysoul being is cordoned off, separated, kept in dense, low vibratory fields...."


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