The Monk Nicodemus The Saint Unseen warfare Part 1.

in #spirit6 years ago

From the publisher
In the original of this book, in its title it appears that the book is made by another person, a certain wise husband, the elder Nicodemus only revised it, corrected, supplemented and enriched with notes and extracts from the Holy fathers, ascetics. Therefore, it belongs to elder Nicodemus more in spirit than in letter. The translation of this book is considered more suitable annotation and evidence of paternal to amend the text, but because this had sometimes to change the words of the book to improve her style that allowed sometimes without it. Therefore, the proposed book should be considered not so much a translation as a free transcription.

Preface 2
This soulful book rightly bears the name "Invisible curse". As many of the sacred and inspired books of the old and New Testament have received their names from the very objects of which they teach (the book of Genesis, for example, is so named because it proclaims the creation and well – being of all things from non – existence; the Outcome – because it describes the Exodus of the sons of Israel from Egypt; Leviticus – because it contains the Charter of the priesthood for the tribe of Leviticus; the books of kingdoms-because they tell about the life and deeds of kings; Gospels-because "they preach the gospel... joy is great... for unto you is born... Spas... to the world Christ the Lord" (LK. 2, 10, 11) and indicate to the faithful the path to salvation and legacy of the ever-blessed life); so who do not agree that this book, judging by the contents and the subjects with which it deals, dottedline called "invisible Abuse"?

For it teaches not about a sensual and visible battle and not about the enemies, overt and physical, but the mental battle and the invisible what every Christian he took on him from that hour, as will be christened and give God a vow – to fight for Him, to the glory of the Divine name Him, even to death (why is it written in the book of Numbers: "Wherefore glagolitsa in kneizeh Abuse of the Lord" (Num. 21, 14) is metaphorically written on this invisible battlefield), and the enemies of disembodied and implicitly, who are a different passion and lust of the flesh, and the demons and evil people hating, night and day never cease to fight against us, as said the blessed Paul: "there is our struggle to flesh and blood, but to the beginnings and to the authorities and to masterates the darkness of this world, to the spirit of wickedness in high places" (Eph. 6, 12).

The soldiers fighting in this invisible battle, she teaches the essence of all Christians; their commander is our Lord Jesus Christ, surrounded and accompanied by the captains of thousands and of hundreds, i.e. all the Angels and saints; the field of battle, field of battle, where the struggle itself, is our own heart and whole inner person; the time of battle is our whole life.

What's the meaning of weapons, which gives your warriors in this unseen warfare? Listen.... The helmet for them is a perfect self – disbelief and a perfect lack of hope, a shield and a chain mail – a daring faith in God and a firm hope for him; armor and a breastplate – a teaching in the suffering of the Lord; a belt – cutting off of carnal passions; shoes – humility and infirmity of his constant recognition and feeling; spurs – patience in temptations and the rejection of negligence; a sword, which they constantly hold in one hand – prayer, both verbal and mental-heart; spear trepostinil, which they hold in the other hand, a clear resolve not to accept borysow passion, to tear her away from him with anger and hate from the heart; with the food that they are supported by the resistance of enemies – frequent communion, communion with God, as mysterious from the mysterious victim, and mental; light and bright atmosphere, giving them the opportunity from a distance to see the enemies – the continual exercise of the mind in the cognition of what is right before the Lord, the continual exercise of the will in vozdelyvanii one that is well-pleasing to God, the peace and tranquility of the heart.

Here, here, in this Invisible Battle (i.e. in the book) or, better to say, in this "Battle of the Lord", the soldiers of Christ learn to know the various charms, diverse machinations, unthinkable guile and cunning of the military, what mental foes are used against them, through feelings, through fantasy, through the deprivation of the fear of God, especially through the four prepositions, which they make in the heart at the time of death – of course the prepositions of disbelief, despair, vanity and transformation of angels of light. Learning to recognize all these things, they themselves at the same time manage how to destroy such intrigues of enemies and to oppose them, and know what tactics and what law of battle should they in what case hold on and with what courage to fight. And in short, this book, anyone who wants salvation, learns how to defeat their invisible enemies, to acquire treasures of true and divine virtues and for that to receive an imperishable crown and eternal pledge, which is unity with God in the present century and in the future.

Accept, then, Christ-loving readers, this book joyfully and graciously, and learn her the art of unseen warfare, try not just to fight, but it is legal to fight, to fight as it should, and crowned to be, because, according to the Apostle, is, that sometimes, though contends, however, not is crowned, if you illegally lived (2 Tim. 2, 5). Clothe yourselves with the weapons, what she tells you to death to impress their mental and invisible enemies, who are actually a spiritually pernicious passions, and their organizers and agents of demons. "Oblectate in all arms of God, thou wasmosy you the way to resist will cotnam Diavolski" (Eph. 6, 11). Remember how at Holy Baptism you promised to remain in renunciation of Satan and all his works, and all his service, and all his pride, i.e. voluptuousness, popularity, love of money and other passions. Fight as much as you can to reverse it, shame and win in all perfection.

And what are the rewards and rewards you have to get for such a victory?! Very many and great. And listen to them from the mouth Of the Lord himself, who promises them to you in Holy revelation word for word, "to him that Overcomes I will give food from the tree of the beast, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God" (apok. 2, 7). "Pobezhdal not andmother crediticia from death vtoryya" (Apoc. 2, 11), "he that overcometh shall yasti from the hidden manna" (Apoc. 2, 17). "He that overcometh, and keep My deeds until the end, giving him the power in town... and I will give him the morning star" (Apoc. 2, 26, 28). "Defeat the one to put on the white robe... and let us try his name before My father and before his Angels" (apok. 3, 5). "To him that overcomes, I will create a pillar in the Church Of my God" (apok. 3, 12). "The conqueror shall sit with me on My throne" (apok. 3, 21). "Victory shall inherit all, and God shall be unto him, and he Shall be my son" (apok. 21, 7).

You see the honours! See the retribution! See this octagonal and multicolored imperishable crown, or better, these crowns that weaves for you brethren, if you defeat the devil! That's about it now and Petites, that strive and abstain from all, "yeah no one conceive of the crown" (Apoc. 3, 11). For it is truly a great shame that those who contend on the lists in bodily and external feats, five times more abstain from everything to get some perishable crown of wild olive, or from the palm branch, or from the date, or from the Laurel, or from the Myrtle, or from any other plant; and you, having to get such an imperishable crown, spend your life in negligence and carelessness. Will not you awaken from this dream at least the word of St. Paul, who says: "do not you know, as the current in the disgrace of all UBO flow, one accepts honor? Taco Tecate, but will suffer. Everyone Bo podpisatsja all refrain: and they UBO Yes estleman the crown of mastery, we keistinen" (1 cor. 9, 24-25).

If, being inspired by jealousy, you will be granted such a victory and such bright crowns, then do not forget, my brethren, to pray to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and the one who was your companion to receive such a good through this book. First of all, do not forget to lift up your eyes to Heaven and to give thanks and glory to the first Source and Performer of your victory, God, and I will begin to Your Jesus Christ, saying to him each of these words: "from You, Lord, victory... Yours is the glory, I, are Thy servant" (2Ездр. 4: 59), and another, the prophet David said: "to You, Lord, Majesty... and glory, and overcoming, and confession, and fortress" (1par. 29, 11), now and forever. Amen.

Every evil boldly enters the human race through the domination of passions.

As God leads us to life by all possible means, Satan uses all means to kill us.

But not the devil so anything harmful, what would not find us opposing means. There's no secret network we don't know about.

The Monk Ephraim The Syrian

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