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in #spirit6 years ago

Holy cow! You think! That's rather amazing all by itself. Perhaps at this moment in human evolution there will be a movement toward self-responsibility, the first step being knowledge of ones own thoughts...mindfulness. But knowing humans this will get twisted around to please someones agenda.

My question is: the they have the will, desire, grit that it take to be self-responsible? All the clamor for libertarianism and anarchy requires a responsible public. Is this even possible? Convince me if you can.

Thanks for the broad response. You made me think, which in itself is a wonderful thing.

Many blessings.


LOL, wonderful, and thanks :D

Your question: I've no idea! Doesn't much look like it on the surface as the energies often resemble the same non-neutral ones of separation and division that keep the cycles going. Politics is divisive, as is grouping (us vs them) - there is inherent violence in taking political positions it seems, especially if there is identification.

However (and here lies my optimism), appearances are deceptive - extremely so IMO. There is also the 100th monkey/tipping point factor, which is a hidden one until it erupts. I also very much recognise myself in the 'masses' to a greater or lesser degree (even if it be mainly in retrospect :).

A readiness to act (to wake up) may be present, but it awaits a catalyst - an example, a demonstration, an illustration, a circumstance, a trigger. The matrix-encrusted mind is confused and scared, and thus outwardly only shows conformity (hiding the readiness for change whilst outwardly clinging in fear to shreds of 'stability'). Suppressed 'real' selves everywhere wanting to express themselves but dunno how to, suffocating beneath mountains of gloss and wanting out. There doesn't seem to be happiness or contentment in this state. There is likely to be a constant background heaviness and discontentment (readiness for change), even if it be unconscious and unacknowledged.

I think the raising of consciousness (awareness, knowledge, access) heading in the direction of unity (ie the breaking of the old paradigms of separation, scarcity etc) is underway, and is traceable through the expansion of awareness/ideas/experiences throughout history - movements, beliefs in the different types of revolutions, technology, printing press, internet etc. You @mistermercury, certainly see what you see in this regard when you speak of this process of humanity 'waking up' in your posts. I can also see it at play in a view of my own life and evolving awareness. The collective consciousness of humanity is expanding by constantly being added to, and this is irreversible. One cannot 'unlearn' what one has learnt through experience.

Fundamentally too, an existence of suffering and violence is not natural - instinctively all living creatures move away from pain (even self-harming humans do so to escape mental/emotional pain). Collectively, it seems as if humanity has played with separation and explored the various experiences of identity with form - almost to exhaustion? Something else is now becoming available in quantities and volumes never before seen (this is also obviously my subjective experience of myself that I project outwards, but I do see it expressed by many, you too :). There is infinite intelligence of universal energy (or whatever label one gives the Singularity) flowing at multi-levels of being, this energy is fundamentally benign and it is fundamentally concerned with expansion of consciousness.

Mindfulness is an excellent starting point (perhaps the most important one?). Any serious foray into understanding the self will be met with deception - spotting the deception is the act that renders it harmless, and the greatest deceptions are those of our own creation (internalising the false). No power in the universe can force our will unless we allow it (if we desire, we allow). Humans have given their power away - perhaps unwittingly delegated it away :D. But a simple (non)act of serious intention to live with integrity, and to discover wtf that means that can reclaim it in a snap.

And who knows what energy and power is unleashed as this process of self-responsibility ('will, desire, grit' external observations of what is now 'natural' and internal non-effort) takes place? And who knows how this may spread energetically, raising the frequency/energy levels of those who may be 'asleep' such that perspectives shift and a tsunami is born. And, as you have also said, energy is everything!

Where's the pulse then? Well, on the basis of the cosmic mirror : 'as above so below' and 'as inside, so outside', it must be the case that if we wish to measure how humanity is doing, a reading of this ought to be available in an investigation of one's own transition towards a sense of oneness and unity in life. The slogan: when we change, the world changes. After all, what else do we have control over that is not illusory control? :D

Such are my thoughts on the matter. Many thanks for requesting them into being :D.
🔆 🔆 🔆

The collective consciousness of humanity is expanding by constantly being added to...

Well @barge you have earned my full vote of .14 cents! You're rich!

You don't know it but I've been pondering this question for many days and was unable to find any hope. I should kick myself. I know this. This is the key. There is such a thing as the collective unconscious and it does add to the incremental, if slow, evolution of humanity. The other thing we can hope for is that those who do lead have a "come to Jesus" moment and realize they must and can change and move to a level of higher consciousness and in so doing offer a new way of life for others.

And, indeed, there are forces and patterns in the Cosmos that are constantly moving toward Light, and opposing forces moving toward Darkness. I must, like you said so well, be the change, and let the Intelligence that is within all things (in my opinion) do what It must.

Thank you so much for participating. Look forward to your future presence and comments.

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