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RE: SPI Token Distribution and Rewards on our way to 1 million

in #spinvest5 years ago

You mention lotto style so this will be random or everyone gets dividends? Also the share price will be recalculated? I think you mentioned eg. current value is 1.01 per share does that mean you will by for 1.01?
Just questions I ain't selling shit lol
I also understand it's hard to put in to words what's clear in your head for me at least so apologies in advance

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No, i like questions. Others might be thinking the same.

To be honest, im going to trying to build some sort of community around the whole thing so things like this in future can be decided by community vote. For now, lotto style is every token will have a number. I will draw numbers from the total issued which will be 10,000 for the first one. There are a few ways i can do it and being vague when writing leaves the door open to decide the finer details when the time comes. I have been thinking that if i divide the amount total tokens issued by 4 so every token has a 1 in 4 chance of winning 1 of the 2500 prizes for the first giveaway. Based in a 200 SPI giveaway, each winning ticket would be worth 0.08 SPI. Not much but if you hold 200 tokens, you could win 50 times and pocket 4 SPI are 2% of your holdings.

Dividends will be paid out to everyone in STEEM

When the token is revalued at the end of every stage, the price will change to whatever the current price is meaning i kill all my 1 STEEM buying links and update them to the current true value. If each token is worth for example 1.05 STEEM, then that is how much they will cost to buy. The steem-engine price would change to 1.05 STEEM plus 1% to cover withdraw fees. Infact, because you have bought some for 1 STEEM each, by the time they are selling for 1.50, everytime i issue a token you make money from that.

Sorry logged into my personal account, i am @spinvest

Yeah cool as I was thinking but hopefully everyone's a bit more clearer thank you keep up the good work

Posted using Partiko Android

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