Success on Steemit Requires Hard work, Patience, and Some Really Good Friends!

in #spiderblogger7 years ago


Hold on to your friends tight, or they'll eat yah.......

Environment is Key

It's no question that hard work and perseverance are the key to succeeding with anything in life, but the environment your working in completely determines how uphill the climb is going to be!

Swimming in the vast sea of Steemit can be a lonely journey, but if you find a school of fish to join, or even finesse your way into a pod of dolphins, building your blog will feel less like work, and more like an enjoyable hobby that will eventually grant you financial freedom!

I was fortunate enough to have surpassed the 600 followers milestone a few days ago, but I've found my blog growing so fast recently, that I was almost at 650 before I had a chance to make a post! I wish I could take all of the credit for my progression on Steemit, but I owe almost everything to my friends who make me look forward to logging on everyday!

My goal is to post everyday and build my blog up to dolphin status before I start dental school, which turns out to be a hard task on days when the markets are a blood bath, or I am completely exhausted from a 10 hour shift at work. One person who always inspires me to persevere on days like these, happens to be one of the more talented and hardworking individuals on the platform.

@overkillcoin is a freelance artist who is always swamped with work, but always finds a way to make quality posts day in and day out. Even if it's just a post about walking his dog, or a hilarious comment about wooly mammoths and gatling guns, he always finds a way to make me laugh, which makes the daily grind a little bit easier.

Overkill is just one example of someone who keeps me coming back to Steemit everyday! I've been lucky enough to develop similar relationships with a few other authors drring my 8 months on this platform, and I can't thank you all enough for the support and encouragement to continue this my Finding Nemo scale journey on Steemit!


I can't wait for overkill to draw me a cool spider dolphin pic once I reach dolphin status!

I'm a big believer that in your early days, you will acquire one or two really genuine supporters every 100 followers, so make sure you don't let them slip away. Steemit is a community first and foremost, and no matter if you're a dolphin or minnow, we are all still trying to swim our way against a strong current to financial freedom!

I truly believe that many of us early adopters are going to reach this destination, but how hard you swim is all up to you. If you choose to surround yourself with fun, positive, and talented individuals, your journey and experience on Steemit will transcend any possible goal or premonition you currently have.

Hope this post inspired you to take some extra time to comment and encourage some of your favorite authors and supporters! Thanks again for the continued support! This has been a message from your friendly neighborhood #spiderblogger!

Sources: 1, 2


Perseverance does seems to be the #1 skill required to get it going on Steemit.

Steemit is a community first and foremost

Indeed. I've always loved writing but never really did so on a regular basis outside the academic world, so it never occurred to me that it would be that hard to try and write something at least mildly interesting every day. And while having a low payout in exchange for hours of work tends to bring the spirits down a little, the comments you get on your post, no matter how low the payout, can add real value to the way we see the world.

Definitely not an easy road, but a rewarding one nonetheless.

What helped me was figuring out something I can post about everyday that didn’t take much thought. I’m doin this 90 day workout challenge, which is amazing because I’m incetivised to keep working out!

But yeah I feel you on literally everything you said! I promise that after 2-3 months of consistently posting and making great comments, you will attract the right people to your blog!

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