Happy Birthday Dr. Martain Luther King!

in #spiderblogger6 years ago


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Dr. Martain Luther King

Anything meaningful in life is only achieved through struggle and Dr. Martain Luther King's commitment to ending inequality through peaceful means made him a martyr, granting us with the freedom and opportunities we minorities see today

His teachings gave many of us without a voice hope, his speeches lifted the hearts of millions, and his sacrifice earned him a national holiday, so we can never forget what can be accomplished by having a dream!

Growing Up Black in America

Being African American, I've always had uneasy feelings about living in a country that was built on the backs of slaves and immigrants, that only relatively recently granted civil liberties to those of us who might look a little different. I've always felt uncomfortable growing up in a community filled with classrooms of students and teachers who couldn't fully relate to or understand me and my struggles.

Due to the systematic oppression and mass incarceration still plaguing this country, growing up as a black child in America grants you many disadvantages, one being not having many black role models to look up to. All of my friends wanted to be a professional athletes or rappers, while I had a dream of becoming someone who could rise to the top though education. My dream is to uplift those who are underrepresented and forgotten by showing them it's possible to break free of the invisible chains that are placed on us as soon as we take our first breath.


Who knew the key to ending social injustice was so small!

Dr. Martain Luther King gave me courage to look discrimination in the face and respond with love. He gave me the inspiration to become a positive role model in my community, who will dedicate his life to pushing those around me to achieve their dreams no matter their situation. And most importantly he gave me hope that we will eventually reach a point in time where we don't judge each other on the color of their skin, or sexual preferences, but by the character of their actions.

Checkout his famous I Have A Dream speech below if you haven't seen it already and have a wonderful day with your friends and family! And oh yeah, and happy Birthday Dr. King!

This has been a message from your friendly neighborhood #spiderblogger

Source: 1, 2, 3


Thanks friendly neighbor #waphilip. I really like this post. There are a lot of articles that have been continuously written to explain what it feels to grow as a black American. One is exposed to miss-representation, segregation among others. Martin Luther king as a model in this post really tried to unlock the rigidity towards allowing the black race fit in America. It is best for us to understand the concept of life; that we are born free but we make ourselves captive with the nature of reference and treatment we give to ourselves. We can build ourselves when we support each other.

"A house divided against itself can not stand"

We can only be helpful to each other when if support each beyond race.

Thanks #waphilip, more votes for you
Belated happy birthday #MartinLutherKingJnr

I definitely agree that a lot of our struggle steems from how we treat ourselves! Although there is always going to be injustice in this world, if we remain positive and approach it was a mindset of love and peace we can overcome it! Thanks for the comment!

Happy Birthday to Dr. Martain Luther.
@cannavarocanva46 vote/reply/resteem

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