Sphere - The New Face of Social Media

in #sphere7 years ago

Blockchain techonlogy has really change the way we do things and our view of money and connecting to people we love. Steemit broke the record by doing what other social media has never and not willing to do. Giving people from all nation and background to earn from their hard work. No doubt many persons life has improve by steeming. I know other social media like facebook, google plus, twitter and the rest felt the heat. At least to some degree. Soon, they will feel more heat with Sphere social media on it way.

Sphere is an upcoming social network which plan to disrupt the over 500 billion dollars social media industry.

Currently, 185356 people had sign up for sphere world wide and they had receive their 100 free token and they can also earn 100 free token per referral. You too can earn a free 100 token by signing up and comfirming your e-mail address. Sign up here: https://sphere.social/?ref_code=5309-8181bdc2

Sphere will allow companies, agencies and individual place advert on the sphere network. For them to place any advert on the sphere social media, they will have to pay using SAT. Sphere token. They more persons using the Sphere social media, the more the value of the coin.

Don't forget to sign up, comfirn your e-mail address and get free 100 token. https://sphere.social/?ref_code=5309-8181bdc2

Thanks for reading. Please Upvote and resteem

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