30 activities that help in the development of speech!

in #speech7 years ago


30 Language activities, one for every day that can help our children develop skills in speaking (vocabulary, understanding concepts, etc.), but also begin to overcome difficulties (if any) in speech.

If we are parents, we can print the brochure and stick it to a prominent place in the house so we can do it every day and from a fun activity, if we are a teacher, we can give parents the brochure to use it at home.
Let us clarify that the following actions do not in any way substitute for speech therapy.


  1. We find 5 things that have the same color

We are looking for the children in the place we find to find 5 objects that have the same color. We decide the color first and then our child reports objects of this color. If the child wishes we can repeat it with other colors.

  1. Come on to talk about the animals! Which are big and what small ones?

Young children love animals very much! So we use this to talk about the concepts small and large. We can also use some pictures (if the child is small enough and can not imagine the animals, but he has to see them).

  1. Play with the mirror! Make funny gimmicks!

Through the game (the child makes grimaces and laughs) and helps make the area around his mouth more elastic, so he can deliver the words better and easier.

  1. Tell me about your day! Use the words: at the beginning, after, finally.

Through the narrative of the day, the child tries to place the events in chronological order using the words: in the beginning, after, finally. If the child has difficulty, we help him understand the chronological order by saying "what happened first, second, third? Etc »

  1. Come and find words that begin with each letter of the alphabet!
    If you seem very busy as an activity (the letters are many) you can do this activity in fewer letters. We do not forget that we refer to the phonological letters a, bu, wu etc etc and not alpha, beta gamma, delta ...

  2. Choose a new book! What will happen in the end? Tell me your ideas!

We read a new story but we do not reveal the end to the child. We expect to tell us what he thinks will end. Thus the book acquires new interest and at the same time we observe the way of thinking of our child, but also the production of oral speech.

  1. Look out the window and tell me what you see ...

This activity aims to develop the child's spoken word, but over time and if we continue with similar activities, we can observe both the child's vocabulary and the description.

  1. Let's lie in the dark and listen carefully! What are you listening;

Also speaking or listening to the darkness and sounds. An activity that will show us the imagination of our little child and possible things that scare it.

  1. Let's turn our tongue!

Game that helps in the joint. We twist our language in different and different ways.

  1. Come and find words that begin with the same phonole.

We find words from different phonemes that can be a letter, a word, a word, etc. or a syllable eg, what, all, etc.

  1. I'll tell you something funny that happened to me today! Tell me something funny that happened to you at school!

Expression of speech in this activity. At the same time we share our own experiences with our child and we ask him to do the same.

  1. Come and find rhythmic words! I tell you my apple you say wood I tell you ...

An activity that kids like and can play many times a day. As long as the child gets better in rhymes he will ask us to play more this game, even in the car!

  1. At the bathroom time you will tell me what organs you have in your body.

Of the simplest activities we can do from a very young age with our children. At first we do it, we list the bodies of their bodies while bathing them, and as they develop an oral reason they do it themselves.

  1. What's up, down, in, out, in the room?

Through this activity the child learns the determinations of the space. At first we can help and then the child does it on his own.

  1. Kun your tongue up and down as far as 10 times!

An activity that we can do together with the child and us! Helps in the joint and of course brings laughter!

  1. Let's chew a big gum! Whoever makes the biggest bubble wins!

Very entertaining activity that helps to strengthen the oral cavity! No matter how funny it seems to be a very useful activity, because through the game the child does not understand it strengthens his or her mouth and thus articulates better!

  1. Come and find things that are against each other! Let's find their similarities and differences!

Activity of speech development and understanding of concepts different and different. It also helps children develop descriptive speech.

  1. Let's tongue ... our brace ... Let's say tongues!

Children find the messenger very funny! So we say, the more tongues we can!

  1. Examine your mouth and your tongue with the toothbrush!

While we wash our teeth we are exploring our oral cavity, tongue, gums, cheeks, teeth. So the child gets a better sense of what instrument in the mouth we use each time to articulate a word.

  1. Where does your tongue lean when you say the phonies, φ, φ, λ, θ?

An activity that helps children understand how each letter is spoken.

  1. Paint me something and tell me what you did to create your wonderful painting!

It produces oral speech from the child, but also enters the process of describing both the time sequence of his actions and how he thought to create everything.

  1. Let's go for a walk and let's describe what we will see around us!

And in this activity the child produces an oral speech and enters the process of describing, and thus developing vocabulary. At the same time, we take a walk with the child and spend time with him, so we do not spend more time and feel the time we spend, which ensures a healthier relationship between us.

  1. Do you want to try to learn to say a phoney that makes it harder for you?

It goes without saying that to do this activity with the child he should want. It may be difficult for the r or s, so we help the child to try to learn to articulate the particular phonole.

  1. Search to find 5 objects in the room starting with the same phonole!

The child observes the space around him, hence develops his observation and at the same time tries to find objects that start from the same voice.

  1. Come to make our own poem!

After we have played with the rhythmic words we can try to make our own poem! It can be funny or even meaningless!

  1. Let's play with the mirror! Let's do that we are happy, sad, angry, surprised, etc

We make a number of different grams, strengthen the facial muscles that we need to speak and we come in contact with our emotions

  1. I will ask you 5 questions starting with Who, Where, When, How and Why! Can you answer me;

Young children understand the difference between the different words we use when we ask something. Gradually they learn not to confuse them and to respond correctly to everything.

  1. Let's cook your favorite food! As long as we cook it, you will tell me what materials I use and what I have to do!

Cooking is an occupation that kids want to get involved from very early and have fun! We use it to help them express themselves orally, describe, enrich their vocabulary, measure, get involved! And all while we cook, an activity that is necessary every day at home!

  1. Let's go for a walk and let us describe what we will hear around us!

The last time we described what we saw, we will now describe what we are hearing. It develops in addition to spoken speech and acoustic observation and imagination.

  1. Do you want to make a craft together? Will you tell me what I have to do?

We create together with our child, spend time together, doing something beautiful and creative and at the same time the child develops his or her speech.

If the month has 31 days the last day we repeat the activity that it liked most to the child.

We can also, if we want to take pictures of our activities and finally to make a nice album.
Next month, we can repeat some activities and add other things that we may think or ask the child or think about them!

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