Help Translating into Spanish! Ayuda por favor!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #spanish8 years ago

So I'm almost done translating this, been busy outside of busy lately so it took me a little bit to get to this job. @Fabien responded to my post a few days ago in regards to the site not being available in Spanish. He was kind enough to help me get the document to translate so here we are:

"see_more": "Ver más",
"profile": "Perfil",
"settings": "Ajustes",
"about": "Nosotros",
"logout": "Cerrar sesión",
"write": "Escribe",
"drafts": "Borrador",
"files": "Archivos",
"bookmarks": "Marcador",
"empty_bookmarks": "No tienes registros guardados",
"trending": "Tendencias",
"hot": "Ahora",
"payout_time": "Conteo hasta colecta",
"new": "Nuevos",
"active": "Activos",
"posts": "Publicaciones",
"activity": "Actividad",
"feed": "Fuente",
"wallet": "Monedero",
"messages": "Mensajes",
"language": "Lenguaje",
"estimated_value": "Total ≈",
"layout": "Diseño",
"transfer": "Transferencia",
"reply_to": "Responder a",
"see_more_comments": "Ver más comentarios",
"empty_user_profile": "Este usuario todavía no publica",
"empty_user_own_profile": "Usted todavía no publica",
"page_not_found": "Página no aparece",
"page_not_found_message": "¡Lástima! Parece que ha seguido un enlace inválido",
"continue": "Continuar",
"voting_power": "Poder votante",
"followers": "Seguidores",
"followed": "Subscripciones",
"in": "en",
"reblog": "Compartidos",
"likes": "Positivos",
"dislikes": "Negativos",
"comments": "Comentarios",
"card": "Tarjeta",
"list": "Lista",
"login": "Acceso",
"@tooltip_follow_user": "Seguir {usuario}",
"@tooltip_unfollow_user": "No seguir {usuario}",
"@tooltip_add_fav": "Agregar a favoritos",
"@tooltip_remove_fav": "Remover de favoritos",
"@tooltip_add_bookmark": "Agregar a marcadores",
"@tooltip_remove_bookmark": "Remover de marcadores",
"next_story": "Siguiente registro",
"help": "Ayuda",
"search": "Busqueda",
"chat": "Chat",
"signup": "Crear cuenta",
"team": "Equipo",
"donors": "Donantes",
"advisors": "Consultores",
"contributors": "Contribuidores",
"donate": "Donar",
"edit": "Editar",
"like": "Me gusta",
"comment": "Comenta",
"by": "por",
"page_forbidden": "La página requiere autenticación",
"page_forbidden_message": "¡Lástima! Parece que tiene que ingresar para utilizar esta página."

I'm looking for other bilingual people who can put this in context and recommend other words, if any better words can be used. I am particularly worried about the CARD because I couldn't see this button on Busy, I don't know the context of it. The same goes for the word Layout, y tomar nota del uso de la palabra Registro. Si alguien tiene alguna corrección, si notan algún error, me lo hacen saber por favor.



"Language" -> "Idioma"
"@tooltip_remove_bookmark" -> "Eliminar / Borrar de marcadores",
"layout" -> "Disposición"

"Remover" sería mover y volver a mover otra vez.

Gracias por el aporte!

Thank you very much for the translation, it will be available soon on Busy! "Card" and "list" are the view/layout you can chose on the interface.

This is a card:

This is a list:


Yes! I took notice of it shortly after I posted it. Make note of the other suggestions I left as comments when I realized the context, but you can take the post as is if you want.

Haha, now I know what card means, how come nobody pointed it out? :p
I guess it's a fair enough interpretation, still very much open to suggestions.

Diseño could be Formato instead

Hola , yo te propondria estos ajustes :

"voting_power": "Poder de voto"
,"estimated_value": "valor estimado",
"next_story": "Siguiente historia",
"@tooltip_remove_bookmark": "Eliminar marcador",
tooltip_remove_fav": "Eliminar de favoritos",
"reblog": "Republicados"
"payout_time": "Fecha de pago",
"page_not_found": "Página no encontrada"

Muchas gracias! Son buenas sugerencias. Solo del poder de voto no estoy seguro, pero todas las demas muy buenas.

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