Spanish for English Speakers: Episode 7 - Talking About Free-Time Activities

in #spanish7 years ago (edited)

¡Hola amigos de Steemit!

For those of us who can barely hold down a good conversation in our native language, let alone in Spanish, having some of these phrases in mind will put you on the right track to a great discussion!

Las opiniones (opinions)

(No) Me gusta[n] ... - I (don't) like ... [plural things]

(No) Me encanta[n] ... - I (don't) love ...

(No) Me interesa[n] ... - I'm (not) interested in ...

Adoro ... - I adore ...

Odio ... - I hate ...

Prefiero ... - I prefer ...

Creo que/Pienso que ... - I think that ...

Me parece que ... - It seems to me that ...

Los deportes (sports)

¿Te gustan los deportes? - Do you like sports?

Sí, me gusta jugar/Sí, juego ... - Yes, I like to play/Yes, I play ...

al baloncesto - basketball, al voleibol - volleyball, al tenis - tennis, al hockey - hockey, al fútbol - football

Sí, me encanta practicar/Sí, practico ... - Yes, I love to practice/Yes, I practise ...

la natación - swimming, el ciclismo - cycling, la vela - sailing, la gimnasia - gymnastics, el atletismo - running/athletics, la equitación - horse-riding

Note: when saying what you "play", you use a + the definite article (if the definite article is "el", a + el = al). However, when saying what you "do/practice", you only use the definite article: Me encanta jugar al tenis. - I love playing tennis./Odio practicar la natación. - I hate practising swimming.

Las películas (films)

¿Qué tipos de películas te gustan? - What type of films do you like?

Me gusta ver/Veo ... - I like watching/I watch ...

las películas de horror/amor/aventuras/policías/ciencia ficción/vaqueros - horror/romance/adventure/detective/science fiction/western films

las comedias - comedy films

las películas musicales/históricas - musicals/historical films

Example: Adoro ver las películas de amor. - I adore watching romance films.

Las programas de televisión (TV programmes)

(While we're on the subject, who else decided not to watch Bake Off this year on principal, but of course couldn't resist and now finds they love it? Although far too many Paul Hollywood handshakes in my opinion)

Me interesan ... - I'm interested in ...

las programas de deporte - sports programmes

los concursos - game shows

los documentales - documentaries

las comedias - comedies

las series de policías - police series

las telenovelas - soaps

... porque son ... - ... because they are ...

emocionante(s) - exciting (plural), divertido(s)/a(s), interesante(s) - interesting, educativo(s)/a(s) - educational, informativo(s)/a(s) - informative, aburrido(s)/a(s) - boring, malo(s)/a(s) - bad, tonto(s)/a(s) - silly.

Example: Me interesan los documentales porque son muy educativos y informativos. - I'm interested in documentaries because they are very interesting and informative.

Los pasatiempos (hobbies)

Voy al cine/de pesca/de compras/a la piscina. - I go to the cinema/fishing/shopping/to the swimming pool.

Leo tebeos. - I read comics.

Juego con el ordenador. - I play on the computer.

Escucho música. - I listen to music.

La música (music)

Toco ... - I play (instrument) ...

la flauta - the recorder, el piano - the piano, la guitarra - the guitar, el violín - the violin, la harmónica - the harmonica, la batería - the drums, el xilófono - the xylophone, el saxofón - the saxophone, la trompeta - the trumpet, el arpa - the harp

Example: Toco el violín y el piano.

En el ordenador (on the computer)

Navego por Internet. - I surf the internet.

Juego con videojuegos. - I play video games.

Charlo con mis amigos. - I chat with my friends.

Descargo música. - I download music.

Actualizo mi perfil. - I update my profile.

Envío un correo electrónico. - I send an email.

Leo mensajes. - I read my messages.

Hago una llamada de video. - I make a video call.

Instalo un programa. - I install a program.

How often you do it

To say how many times a week, use number + vez/veces (time/times) + a la semana (a week): Aprendo español tres veces a la semana. - I learn Spanish three times a week.

The only exception is "once a week", which uses por semana instead: Leo mensajes una vez por semana. - I read my messages once a week.

Good luck with your conversations - not that you'll need any luck after this! If I missed out your hobby, let me know and I'll edit it in for you. Thanks and see you soon!

- The Loopy Linguist

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