De cañas por Madrid - of tapas by Madrid

in #spanish7 years ago

Hola amigos, - Hello friends,

Ayer sábado nos llamaron unos amigos para tomar algo por el barrio de Moratalaz en Madrid, asi que salimos a tomar unas cañas. En Moratalaz, hay una zona bastante famosa de bares de todo tipo que se llaman las lonjas, hay tres y son un espacio peatonal entre filas de edificios que estan repletas de bares de todo tipo. Hay bastante donde elegir, os recomiendo ir a los que sean de Madrid.

Yesterday we were called by some friends to take something for the neighborhood of Moratalaz in Madrid, so we went out to take some cane. In Moratalaz, there is a quite famous area of ​​bars of all kinds that are called the markets, there are three and are a pedestrian space between rows of buildings that are full of bars of all kinds. There is plenty to choose from, I recommend you go to those who are from Madrid.

Nosotros esta vez fuimos con unos amigos que sabían otro bar apartado de todo eso pero en el mismo barrio de Moratalaz, nosotros como no lo conocíamos nos dejamos llevar. Es una zona mucho más tranquila y apartada, de hecho, solo está el bar ese para tomar algo y poco más, pero la verdad que nos gustó bastante, los camareros amables y nos invitaron a una ronda.

We this time went with friends who knew another bar away from all that but in the same neighborhood of Moratalaz, we as we did not know we let ourselves go. It is a much quieter and secluded area, in fact, there is only the bar that has something to drink and little more, but we really liked it, the friendly waiters and they invited us to a round.

Nos sorprendió sobre todo la variedad de las tapas y la calidad, porque todo hay que decirlo, hay bares en Madrid que presumen de dar muchas tapas y te hinchas a comer, pero hay que ver también la calidad si es todo frito, a mi por ejemplo me sienta mal.

We were surprised by all the variety of tapas and quality, because everything has to be said, there are bars in Madrid that boast of giving many tapas and you fles to eat, but you must also see the quality if it is all fried, to me by example I feel bad.

El bar se llama Las Tejas, y está cerca del anillo verde ciclista que pasa por Moratalaz.

The bar is called Las Tejas, and is near the green ring cycling that passes through Moratalaz.


Asi que, como he dicho ya nos habían hablado de él y nos tuvimos que tomar unos vinos :), también es cierto que con la gente que íbamos ya los conocían y no se si hubo algo trato especial mejor con nosotros, porque la verdad que nos sorprendió bastante.

So, as I said we had been told about it and we had to take some wine :) It is also true that with the people we were going to know them and I do not know if there was anything special with us, because the truth is that we were quite surprised.

Os dejo unas fotillos de algunas de las tapas.

I leave some pictures of some of the covers.




Fuimos sobre las 12 h y salimos del bar a las 16 h, he de decir que no pedimos ni raciones ni nada y nos fuimos todos comidos y bebidos :).

We went about 12 o'clock and left the bar at 16 o'clock, I have to say that we did not ask for rations or anything and we all ate and drunk :).

Fue un sábado estupendo, hay que intentar disfurtar los fines de semana lo que se pueda :)

It was a great Saturday, you have to try to spend the weekends as much as you can :)

Nos vemos amigos, - See you friends.

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