Verso El venezolano Sin doliente!!!/Verse The Venezuelan Without mourners!

in #spanish6 years ago

Hola mi mudo de Steemit, Un pequeño verso a la indolencia y desidia de algunos venezolanos a sus propios compatriotas.

El Venezolano Sin Doliente

(foto de mi propiedad tomada con mi teléfono nokia lumia)

Hoy te encuentro divagando

entre cola y cola te estoy llamando

Quiero una harina pan, dime en cuanto

Cuanto hay para eso, me responde entre risa y canto

Cien bolos hermano, es lo que hoy cuesta lo que te estoy dando

Algunos se ríen del mal chiste, del hermano Indolente sinvergüenza, y sin ningún rastro.

Ahora veamos el panorama de cuanto cuesta algo hoy en mi pais

No se si es petro, no se si es dolar o un bolívar devaluado

Solo se que es un pais, que ya no aguanta tanto

Tanto pendejo sentado esperando que haya un cambio

Si no dejamos el cuanto hay pa´ eso

Jamas saldremos de esta desidia en el que todos estamos nadando.

Que el que cuanto hay pa´ eso, sea para cambiar la manera de pensamiento

Que cada uno sume y no reste mas a este País que cada día debe es,  rescatar su encanto. 

Gracias por leer, soy Raquel del V.

¡Te amo Venezuela!!


The Venezuelan without pain

Today I find you rambling

between tail and tail I'm calling you

I want a bread flour, tell me about it.

How much there is for that, he answers me between laughter and singing.

A hundred bolos brother, is what today costs what I give you.

Some laugh at the bad joke, the astute brother, irreligious, and without any trace.

Now let's see the panorama of how much something costs today in my country.

I do not know if it's petro, I do not know if it's a dollar or a devalued bolivar.

I only know that it is a country, that it can not tolerate.

So much asshole waiting for a change.

If we do not leave the amount there is p'a.

We will never get out of this laziness in which we are all swimming.

That what there is to that, is to change the way of thinking.

That each add and no longer subtract to this country that every day must, to rescue its charm.

Thanks for reading, I'm Raquel del V.

I love Venezuela

 (photo of my property taken with my Nokia Lumia phone)


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Hello @rvag5, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thanks @creativecrypto, grateful that you take your time and review my work, we will continue participating and we will see each other again.

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