Conociendo a Venezuela. Dia 1/Simbolos patrios./Knowing Venezuela Day 1 / National symbols.

in #spanish6 years ago

Hola Querida comunidad steemiana, no hay nada mas valioso que querer, valorar y apreciar el sitio de donde eres.

Con ustedes mi Pais: Venezuela


Esto es un Reto de una semana para el grupo #HHG11, [email protected], compartiendo costumbres y tradiciones.

Hoy les dejare de los simbolos patrios de Venezuela.

1. Bandera Nacional:  Tenemos una hermosa Bandera Nacional Tricolor, la cual representa:

a. Amarillo: Simboliza las riquezas de la nacion

b. Azul : Representada por los mares

C. Rojo: La sangre derramada por nuestros heroes de la Independencias

Las Estrelllas: Originalmente eran 7 estrellas que adornaban nuestro pabellon nacional, representada por las 07 provincias liberadas, luego se le adiciono otra estrella, para representar 08 provincias con la inclusion de Guyana.


Hello Dear Steemian community, there is nothing more valuable than wanting, appreciating and appreciating where you are from.
With you my Country: Venezuela
This is a one week Challenge for group # HHG11, from @annie.kashif, sharing customs and traditions.
Today I will leave you from the patriotic symbols of Venezuela.
1. National Flag: We have a beautiful Tricolor National Flag, which represents:
to. Yellow: It symbolizes the riches of the nation
b. Blue: Represented by the seas
C. Red: The blood shed by our heroes of Independence
Las Estrelllas: Originally they were 7 stars that adorned our national pavilion, represented by the 07 liberated provinces, then we added another star, to represent 08 provinces with the inclusion of Guyana.

2. Escudo Nacional: Representado por tres colores, las espigas, y el caballo.

 1. Primer cuadro a la izquierda es de color rojo y contiene la figura de un manojo de mieses, con tantas espigas como estados tenga la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Representa d la unión y de la riqueza de la Nación.

2. El cuadro a la  derecha es amarillo y destaca un emblema del triunfo figurarán en él una espada, una lanza, un arco y una flecha, un machete y dos banderas nacionales entrelazadas por una corona de laurel. (Señal de las guerras liberadas.

3. la Parte de abajo es azul, ocupa toda la parte inferior del Escudo de Armas y en él figurará un caballo blanco indómito, galopando hacia la izquierda de quien observa y mirando hacia delante, emblema de la independencia y de la libertad.

National Coat of Arms: Represented by three colors, the spikes, and the horse.
 1. First picture on the left is red and contains the figure of a bundle of corn, with as many spikes as states have the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Represents the union and the wealth of the Nation.
2. The picture on the right is yellow and highlights an emblem of triumph: a sword, a spear, a bow and arrow, a machete and two national flags interlaced with a laurel wreath. (Sign of the liberated wars.
3. The lower part is blue, occupies the entire lower part of the Coat of Arms and it will feature a white indomitable horse, galloping to the left of the observer and looking forward, emblem of independence and freedom.

3. Himno Nacional de Venezuela:

  Titulado Gloria al Bravo Pueblo, Escrita por Vicente Salias y Decretado Himno Nacional el 25 de Mayo de 1801.

En Venezuela en señal de respeto, el Himno se escucha de pie, en silencio, y no se aplaude, al culminar el mismo.

National Anthem of Venezuela: Titled Gloria al Bravo Pueblo, Written by Vicente Salias and Decreed National Anthem on May 25, 1801.
In Venezuela as a sign of respect, the Anthem is heard standing, in silence, and not applauded, at the end of it.




Soy Raquel Del V.

Gracias por leer, compartir y votar mi post.


Hi @rvag5, Greetings from #HHG11! I am happy to read about the 3 most important things of your nation Venezuela, the national flag, the national coat of arm and the national anthem. So awesome and refreshing reading about this three items. Thank you so much for this great sharing and making this post in dwi-language, I appreciate so much and here's an upvote from me for this great blog. Take care and Stay Blessed!

Thank you Thank you my dear @annie.kashif, I seemed to start here, to show my country. those who identify us, I have a week to give them all the beautiful that Venezuela has.

Hello my dear, this very well written and such a great idea, I think I shall do exactly the same my country! For the Hello Hello Group. Wouldn't it be great if we could have this for every country represented in the hello hello group?

Hello @happyhairdays, If the good thing of the group # hhg11, is to know the cultures, idiosyncrasies, of each one, it seemed to me to start my presentation of my country, with emblematic things of it, I always think that we have to present everything.

Yes, you had a great way of showing it, so I decided that I would mirror your idea on my first post.

A flag caries out a nation's reputation. they have a deep meaning. Like my country flag (Bangladesh) mean, The red is for blood of heroes who dedicated their lives for Independence of Bangladesh and Green is for Green nature of our country.


Thank you @aaarif, for sharing the history of the Bangladesh flag.

Beautiful flag @aaarif, thanks for sharing this :D

When you see your national flag you feel proud and national anthem gives goose bums when you sing it. I can feel how you must be feelings about your flag. Very informative post @rvag5. Keep sharing more. Take care

@rvag5, This is a great post demonstrating your countries' patriotic symbols and emblems. It's amazing that your national anthem is over 200 hundred years old already!

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