Chicken With Vegetables 🍲

in #spanish6 years ago (edited)


Cuando hablamos de pollo casi siempre lo imaginamos al horno o frito o en guiso, ya que es la manera más común de consumirlo, pero que tal unos trocitos de pollo con vegetales! ¿No se les hace agua la boca? Yo creo que si, sobre todo a los amantes de las aves.

Pollo con Vegetales, es una receta muy sencilla pero muy sabrosa y nutritiva. Yo creo que la mayoría sabe como se prepara, pues es tan simple como chasquear los dedos. XD

No quiero entrar en detalle de las proporciones de los ingredientes porque eso va depender de cuantas personas van a disfrutar el platillo, tampoco se limiten en usar solo estos ingredientes que voy a nombrar, pueden utilizar tantos como su gusto se los permita. Solo les diré los ingredientes que yo usé.


Pechuga de pollo en trozos, zanahoria, cebolla, espárragos trigueros, brócoli, calabacines, cilantro o perejil, ajo, sal, pimienta, salsa de soya y aceite.

When we talk about chicken we almost always imagine it baked or fried or in stew, since it is the most common way to consume it, but how about some chicken pieces with vegetables! Don't you water your mouth? I think so.

Chicken with Vegetables, is a very simple recipe but very tasty and nutritious. I think most people know how to prepare it, because it's as simple as snapping your fingers. XD

I do not want to go into detail of the proportions of the ingredients because that will depend on how many people are going to enjoy the dish, also do not limit yourself to using only these ingredients that I will name, you can use as many as your likes allow. I will only tell you the ingredients I used.


Chicken breast in pieces, carrot, onion, wild asparagus, broccoli, zucchinis, cilantro or parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, soy sauce and oil.



Condimentar los cuadritos de pollo y dorarlos en una sartén untada de aceite. Después se retiran y en la misma sartén freír el ajo y la cebolla, después incorporar el brócoli que es lo más duro de los vegetales, luego de 5 minutos agregamos las zanahorias picadas en julianas, y luego el resto de las verduras. Se sazonan y se agrega un chorrito de salsa de soya, la cantidad suficiente para que no quede tan seco, a continuación se incorpora el pollo con los vegetales. Recuerden que los vegetales no se pueden cocinar demasiado, ellos deben quedar crujientes.


Season the chicken and brown them in a frying pan greased with oil. Then remove and in the same frying pan fry the garlic and onion, then add the broccoli which is the hardest of the vegetables, after 5 minutes add the carrots cut into strips, and then the rest of the vegetables. Season and add enough soy sauce to make it with broth, then add the chicken and vegetables. Remember that vegetables cannot be cooked too much, they should be crunchy.

Translated with


Once prepared we serve and enjoy!




Thanks for reading.
These photos are own and were taken with a Motorola cellphone




Good recipe, it's a good idea to have your meats with vegetables since they provide the fibre necessary for bowel movement. This also works well with my keto diet. I've taken something like this at a restaurant but didn't fully enjoy it but I've had it at the back of my mind that trying a different mix of vegetables would work better for me. Let's see how it goes.

Posted using Partiko Android

OMG! I want to eat this delicious dish. I want to, I want to! Please invite me!!!!!!! ;)

jajaja no habia visto esta publicacion XP in my house. besos.

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