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RE: Lectura espiritual - junio 19

in #spanish7 years ago

Thank You For The Post and your believe in God in todays live which is very essential in todays Modern Era.But Don't Forget the basic fact that God Is Universal. God is residing in every human being as well as every living being. There are so many Relegion through out the world and every Relegion have its own faith on God.
It is Like There are so many rivers and every rivers flowing through many paths but Ultimately all rivers Merged into the Ocean.

So May be there are so many Relegion through out the world and we have so many diversities but we are ultimately Son of one and only Universal God and we are all human being. Our color of blood is Red and we are all equal, we have no difference.

So let's we unified and Do Work for the benefit of all human being and for the benefit of our nature and all living entities.

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