-Cerca Del Cielo / Close To Heaven- Day Five (Spanish - English)

in #spanish6 years ago (edited)

Hola ☻

Hoy les tengo el día cinco de Cerca Del Cielo una historia que estoy creando para que toda la comunidad pueda disfrutar de una buena lectura, recuerden que es importante leer desde el primer post para que no se pierdan de ningún suceso de la serie y puedan disfrutarla mejor, espero les guste y le den Upvote y comenten para así ir creciendo juntos y crecer dentro de esta increíble plataforma, les mando un cálido saludo a toda la comunidad Steemians, Notifico que todos los domingos subiré un tema fuera del contexto de las series, recuerden que también pueden comentar de que quieren que hable. ¡Hasta pronto!☻

Cerca Del Cielo

(Esta imagen es propiedad de cdn.pixabay.com)


-Day 5-

6:58 am.

_Hello, today seems to have rainy weather, maybe it's better not to leave.

_An incoming call?

7:07 am,

_A few moments ago I received a call from the police station, They want me to go there, it is better not to refuse, I do not want to have problems.

_ How is that they had my cell phone number if I'm not from around here.

8:30 a.m.

_Well, I went through the police station and they just wanted me to tell them what relationship I had with the girl who had died, so I told them everything and they let me go quietly.

_I think the restaurant boy suspected me and went to the police station.

_ Another question is, how this guy knew my number or how they got it.

_I'll go to breakfast and then I'll go talk to the guy from the restaurant.

10:14 am.

_ Go for the restaurant but it seems that the boy did not go to work today, maybe tomorrow go again.

_I think I'll go to the beach to have a relaxing bath

_Now that I think about it, I should investigate the strange message sent to me ...


(Esta imagen es propiedad de i0.wp.com)

-Day 5- (Second Part)

1:35 pm.

_A few minutes ago they called me saying that they were waiting for me in the basement, I think it's a joke so I'm going to

_go and face whoever is playing this joke.

_Well, I'm already going down the elevator.

_I'm down but I do not see anyone.

_And now?

_ No nothi...............

Continuara / To be continue

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