-[ES/EN] No votes este post..Do not vote this post.

in #spanish7 years ago

Fuente: http://www.loyolaandnews.es/naturaleza-humana-y-ley-natural/


Este post es un experimento
Esta en la naturaleza del ser humano hacer algo cuando se le dice lo contario.

y es lo que quiero comprobar con este post...
cuantas personas votaran el post, cuando se le a pedido que no se vote...

Algunos votaran por hacerse los graciosos..y ni entraran al post.
otros votaran incoscientemente..y ni entraran al post.
otros votaran.. entraran y luego quitaran su voto..

Si eres de los que an entrado a este post y no has votado..
felicidades eres inteligente y no te dejas engañar facilmente.
por favor.. ponlo en los comentarios.. Ganaras un seguidor.
Si has votado no te preocupes, No es que seas tonto ni nada, es pura naturaleza del ser humano

Segun la wikipedia: Copy & paste

La naturaleza humana es el concepto filosófico
según el cual los seres humanos tienden a compartir una serie de características distintivas inherentes
que incluyen formas de pensar, sentir y actuar en el medio en el cual se desenvuelven.

Fuente: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturaleza_humana


This post is an experiment
It is in the nature of the human being
to do something when told to do so.

and it's what I want to check with this post ...
how many people will vote the post, when you are asked not to
vote for yourself

Some will vote to become funny ... and will not enter the post.
others will vote unconsciously ... and will not enter the post.
others will vote .. they will enter and then they will take their vote ..

If you are an entry to this post and you have not voted ..
Congratulations, you're smart and you do not easily fool yourself.
please .. put it in the comments .. You will win a follower.

If you have voted do not worry, it is not that you are silly or anything, it is pure nature of the human being

According to the wikipedia: Copy & paste

Human nature is the philosophical concept
according to which human beings tend to share a series of inherent distinctive features
which include ways of thinking, feeling and acting in the environment in which they develop.

Fuente: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturaleza_humana

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