Un viaje al recuerdo: primavera de 2014, los guerreros de Xián visitan Madrid

in #spanish6 years ago (edited)

Una vez dejada atrás la Tierra de Campos, Carrión de los Condes y el monasterio de San Zoilo con la sensación de tristeza que produce ver una auténtica obra de Arte mutilada y perdida para siempre, es buen momento para retornar a casa y dejarse sorprender por algún acontecimiento cultural digno de verse.
Para empezar, y antes de que retornen a su lejano país de origen, se me ocurre uno en particular, cuya contemplación no puede dejar a nadie indiferente, pues no sólo contrasta la antigüedad con la belleza, sino que también, subsistiendo en la sombra junto a ellas, una completa dosis de misterio le añade un inmejorable ambiente a la exposición: el ejército de terracota; los guerreros chinos de Xi'an.
Si bien es cierto, que apenas se trata de una diminuta avanzadilla, su visión, no obstante, resulta más que suficiente, como para conseguir que un estremecimiento le recorra el cuerpo a uno, de la cabeza a los pies.
Datados en 210-209 a. de C., forman parte de los ocho mil guerreros de terracota, descubiertos hasta el momento, que fueron enterrados en la inmensa tumba del primer emperador de China: el enigmático Qin Shi Huang Ti.
Realizadas a tamaño natural, las extraordinarias figuras de este ejército de barro, no sólo llaman poderosamente la atención por la perfección que denotan en su ejecución, sino que también plantean numerosas cuestiones, siendo una de ellas, la peculiaridad de que ninguna figura es igual a otra, sino que, por el contrario, se tiene la impresión de que todo el ejército de aquél inflexible y poderoso Emperador Dragón, posó individualmente para un genial artista anónimo.
Considerados como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 1987, sus descubridores y excavadores oficiales, la arqueóloga Xu Weihong y su equipo, recibieron el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Ciencias Sociales.
Pero si hasta donde se ha llegado en la excavación, apenas una ínfima parte, clama la admiración del público en general, no menos importante resulta la pregunta, ¿qué maravillas no permanecen todavía ocultas en el epicentro de la tumba, es decir, en el mausoleo real?. Y sobre todo, ¿cuál fue el destino e intención de tan formidable y fantasmagórico ejército?.
La magia de la antigua China en el centro de Madrid, ofreciendo un espectáculo especialmente recomendado para todos los públicos, donde los más jóvenes pueden también disfrutar de talleres de arqueología y barro durante los fines de semana.
No hay camino baldío, si en su recorrido se puede aprender algo, disfrutando a la vez del espectáculo.

Vídeo relacionado:

AVISO: aunque original en Steemit, fue publicado originalmente en mi blog RECUERDOS DE UN PEREGRINO. Tanto el texto, como las fotografías, como el vídeo (a excepción de la música, reproducida bajo licencia de Youtube) son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual. La entrada original, donde se puede comprobar la autoría de juancar347, pueden encontrarla en la siguiente dirección: https://jc347.blogspot.com/2014/03/el-ejercito-de-terracota-los-guerreros.html

diseño: @txatxy


Si quieres conocer algo nuevo, estate atento a las novedades de: @tximeleta

mariposas-1 (1).jpg


hola son espectaculares.
eso era crear y tener al ejercito de tu parte jeje
feliz viernes

Ja, ja, ahí te has salido, jolín, que frase más acertada. Feliz viernes

Mi apreciado amigo, respetuosamente me despojo de mi sombrero. Espectacular post
Debió ser el ejercito privado del Emperador.
(revisa la etiqueta castellano)
Un abrazo.

Oiza, en verdad que creo ya saber por qué nuestra amiga @txatxy te considera un ángel. Muchas gracias y un fuerte abrazo

Muchas gracias amigo, entonces ya soy el Ángel de 3 personas y que casualidad las tres de España!
Un abrazo grandote.

10 healthy breakfast tips
It’s fairly obvious why they say that breakfast is the most important meal, because these studies have shown that it is; making it a healthy breakfast is even more important. Eating doughnuts or a Danish and calling it breakfast isn’t quite what the researchers had in mind when they conducted their studies on breakfast eaters.

So how do you eat a healthy breakfast? The following are 10 tips to help make your first meal of the day both healthy and enjoyable.

  1. Be prepared – If you just reach for the first thing in the fridge or cupboard during the morning breakfast rush, you’ll probably grab something quick but not particularly healthy most of the time. If you plan your breakfast ingredients ahead of time though (say the evening before), you can be sure of eating healthy as well as fast.

  2. Eat healthy foods – Avoid breakfast cereals that are high in sugar and instead choose healthy breakfast options such as muesli, oatmeal, yoghurt, low-fat milk, fresh fruit and whole grain breads.

  3. Suck down a smoothie – Smoothies are a good way to get your breakfast nutrition in a great-tasting shake, especially when you don’t have a lot of time in the morning. Just throw some ice, fruit and juice or low-fat yoghurt into the blender and away you go.

  4. Prepare your own coffee – Many people grab a coffee on their way to work, but some of those fancy brews contain a lot of unwanted calories. If you’re a coffee drinker, make your own in the morning and preferably make it black with no sugar, as one cup of black coffee contains no fat and almost no calories.

  5. Crack an egg – The jury’s still out on whether eggs are very good or bad for us, but in the meantime they’re a quick and easy occasional breakfast solution. They’re an instant source of high quality protein and, while the yokes are higher in cholesterol than the whites, they also contain necessary nutrients such as zinc, iron, Vitamins A, B and D, lutein and choline.

  6. Make it an occasion – Family members are more likely to skip breakfast if it’s not part of the normal routine. If you can get everyone to sit down at the table for breakfast just as they would for dinner, then you have a better chance of ensuring they eat breakfast and that it’s reasonably healthy as well.

  7. Substitute the cereal – For a different way to get your breakfast fibre, substitute the bowl of cereal for a bowl of brown rice instead. Cooked the night before and with some added honey, raisins, apple and cinnamon, it’ll give you the fibre you need plus Vitamin B and a whole new breakfast taste sensation.

  8. Substitute the fat – If you’re one of those people who believes in breakfast but has to make it a ‘big breakfast’ (bacon, eggs, sausage etc), check out the vegetarian section at the supermarket. There are a surprising number of meat substitutes available these days (i.e. soy bacon and sausages) that will give you that protein hit without the saturated fats.

  9. Put it in a sandwich – While sandwiches and wraps are not normally regarded as traditional breakfast foods, if time is of the essence rather than going without breakfast try making it portable. Low-fat cheese, lean meat and salad in a sandwich are all good healthy ways to get your nutrient start for the day.

  10. Get up earlier – If you find you don’t eat breakfast because you don’t have time, there’s a simple solution - get up a bit earlier. It doesn’t have to be the crack of dawn either. Just ten or fifteen minutes earlier than normal will give you all the time you need to sit down and enjoy a healthy breakfast. If science were to invent a pill that would help us lose weight, improve our minds, lift our spirits and lower our risk of heart disease, we’d all take it once a day without hesitation.

OK, thanks for the tips

10 healthy breakfast tips
It’s fairly obvious why they say that breakfast is the most important meal, because these studies have shown that it is; making it a healthy breakfast is even more important. Eating doughnuts or a Danish and calling it breakfast isn’t quite what the researchers had in mind when they conducted their studies on breakfast eaters.

So how do you eat a healthy breakfast? The following are 10 tips to help make your first meal of the day both healthy and enjoyable.

  1. Be prepared – If you just reach for the first thing in the fridge or cupboard during the morning breakfast rush, you’ll probably grab something quick but not particularly healthy most of the time. If you plan your breakfast ingredients ahead of time though (say the evening before), you can be sure of eating healthy as well as fast.

  2. Eat healthy foods – Avoid breakfast cereals that are high in sugar and instead choose healthy breakfast options such as muesli, oatmeal, yoghurt, low-fat milk, fresh fruit and whole grain breads.

  3. Suck down a smoothie – Smoothies are a good way to get your breakfast nutrition in a great-tasting shake, especially when you don’t have a lot of time in the morning. Just throw some ice, fruit and juice or low-fat yoghurt into the blender and away you go.

  4. Prepare your own coffee – Many people grab a coffee on their way to work, but some of those fancy brews contain a lot of unwanted calories. If you’re a coffee drinker, make your own in the morning and preferably make it black with no sugar, as one cup of black coffee contains no fat and almost no calories.

  5. Crack an egg – The jury’s still out on whether eggs are very good or bad for us, but in the meantime they’re a quick and easy occasional breakfast solution. They’re an instant source of high quality protein and, while the yokes are higher in cholesterol than the whites, they also contain necessary nutrients such as zinc, iron, Vitamins A, B and D, lutein and choline.

  6. Make it an occasion – Family members are more likely to skip breakfast if it’s not part of the normal routine. If you can get everyone to sit down at the table for breakfast just as they would for dinner, then you have a better chance of ensuring they eat breakfast and that it’s reasonably healthy as well.

  7. Substitute the cereal – For a different way to get your breakfast fibre, substitute the bowl of cereal for a bowl of brown rice instead. Cooked the night before and with some added honey, raisins, apple and cinnamon, it’ll give you the fibre you need plus Vitamin B and a whole new breakfast taste sensation.

  8. Substitute the fat – If you’re one of those people who believes in breakfast but has to make it a ‘big breakfast’ (bacon, eggs, sausage etc), check out the vegetarian section at the supermarket. There are a surprising number of meat substitutes available these days (i.e. soy bacon and sausages) that will give you that protein hit without the saturated fats.

  9. Put it in a sandwich – While sandwiches and wraps are not normally regarded as traditional breakfast foods, if time is of the essence rather than going without breakfast try making it portable. Low-fat cheese, lean meat and salad in a sandwich are all good healthy ways to get your nutrient start for the day.

  10. Get up earlier – If you find you don’t eat breakfast because you don’t have time, there’s a simple solution - get up a bit earlier. It doesn’t have to be the crack of dawn either. Just ten or fifteen minutes earlier than normal will give you all the time you need to sit down and enjoy a healthy breakfast. If science were to invent a pill that would help us lose weight, improve our minds, lift our spirits and lower our risk of heart disease, we’d all take it once a day without hesitation.

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