Doble Vida / Double Life

in #spanish5 years ago


Fuente / Source

Relato inspirado en el arte digital elaborado por @xpilar para la competencia 57. Mayor información en este link / Story inspired by the digital art made by xpilar for the 57th competition. More information in this link

Jhon,David y Peter no podían creer lo que estaban viendo. ¡Esto es imposible! Parecían decirse cuando cruzaron sus miradas. Estaban en una playa artificial, ubicada dentro de un conglomerado industrial en el desierto de Nuevo México. La arena era muy blanca y las aguas estaban calmadas. Unas horas antes estaban bajo un inclemente sol y ahora, como por arte de magia, con solo traspasar el muro que protegía a esa fortaleza, parecían estar en otro planeta. Un gran sol parecía ocultarse en el horizonte, rodeado de un halo de luz celestial.

-¿Dónde demonios estamos? Esto no pude ser real – dijo David.

-Esto es el futuro amigos. Que esperaban ustedes de esta gente. ¡Son los dueños de las más grandes compañías tecnológicas! No se distraigan, venimos a buscar lo que nos hará ricos. Vamos, a moverse – exclamo enérgicamente Peter.

Los tres hombres eran unos delincuentes profesionales y durante semanas planificaron su incursión dentro de esas instalaciones. Habían obtenido información que allí se producía un nuevo medicamento que contenía una sustancia, la cual también era usada para fabricar una nueva droga que era la sensación. Era una potente droga que se hizo popular en todo el mundo. La doble vida fue el nombre que recibió. Al consumirla, uno de sus efectos era el hacer sentir que se vivía la vida de otra persona. ¡Si nos hacemos con esa sustancia, seremos ricos! dijeron los tres. Para lograrlo, Peter entro a trabajar en el área de mantenimiento. Todos los empleados solo conocían la parte exterior de ese conglomerado. La zona después del muro era prohibida. La seguridad era casi nula. Al principio les pareció extraño, pero después pensaron que de esa forma no llamaban la atención. Era la estrategia de la industria para distraer a los criminales. Eso pensó Peter. Llegaron al lugar ocultando sus rostros bajo una capucha, sometieron a todos los empleados, neutralizaron a los pocos guardias de seguridad y traspasaron el muro.

-¿Que buscamos? No veo productos químicos en ninguna parte. – Dijo Jhon – vine por la droga, no a ver playas de fantasía.

-No seas idiota. Mira mas allá de lo que está a simple vista. Es un jodido invernadero ¿Acaso no te das cuenta? Un paraíso artificial donde cultivan las plantas – respondió Peter – ahora las recogeremos en su estado más puro.

-¡Un momento! Esperen, hagan silencio, me pareció escuchar algo – les alerto David.

Por unos segundos se quedaron en absoluto silencio. Pudieron escuchar un zumbido. Se escuchaba lejos, pero a medida avanzaban las agujas del reloj, la intensidad de los zumbidos era más fuerte.

-No puede ser nadie. Encerramos a todos. Revise la lista, uno por uno. No hay mas nadie – susurro Peter.

-¡Qué demonios! – les dijo Jhon a sus cómplices, camino unos pasos, los rayos de luz de ese gigante sol nocturno lo alumbro por completo. En ese momento un Dron modificado con armas se puso encima del delincuente. Una bala le atravesó la pierna, cayendo en la blanquecina arena. Los otros dos criminales se ocultaron en las áreas oscuras de la playa artificial. Su amigo Jhon estaba tumbado en la arena, aguantando el dolor por la herida. ¡No podía ser tan fácil! La playa estaba protegida por Drones.

-¿Ahora qué coño haremos? – le increpo David a Peter.

-Mantengámonos en la oscuridad. No pueden vernos.

-¿Qué no pueden vernos? ¡Claro que lo hacen! Si han construido este lugar en medio de un desierto, sus drones son de la más alta tecnología. ¡Vámonos inmediatamente!

-Ni en sueños. Hemos venido por las pantas de droga. Pudieron dispararle a Jhon en la cabeza, matarlo de un solo disparo. Al contrario, le apuntaron en la pierna.

-Te volviste loco. La ambición te ha cegado, nos quieren atrapar para enviarnos a prisión. ¡Yo me voy!

David salió corriendo en medio de la oscuridad. Peter fue detrás de él. Lo necesitaba para lograr el objetivo. Intentando esquivar las zonas donde había luz, David se tropieza con algo. Peter lo ayuda a levantarse, entonces, en ese instante ven unas extrañas plantas, la mayoría era rojiza y otras partes era verde. Estaba esparcida por toda la playa, eran miles de montículos de arena con esa mezcla de rojo y verde emergiendo. Los ojos de los delincuentes brillaban. Habían conseguido el tesoro que ansiaban. Era la planta de la droga doble vida. Frenéticamente las comenzaron a arrancar y meter dentro de los grandes bolsos que llevaban en sus espaldas. Era tanta la emoción que no se dieron cuenta que un Dron se acercaba. Tenían un bolso lleno de la droga cuando David siente un pinchazo en el hombro. Su cuerpo se paraliza y cae en la arena.

-¡Maldición! – exclama Peter.

El último delincuente en pie, se agacha sigilosamente, se oculta en medio de las plantas. Saca el arma, apunta al Dron va a derribarlo, pero el feroz grito de David lo interrumpe. Voltea a ver qué ocurre y se aterroriza. David está siendo arrastrado hacia otro montículo de arena. Las plantas parecen tener vida, mueven sus ramas, enredándose en el cuerpo del hombre, apretándolo. Peter mira a su alrededor y se percata de estar rodeado de las plantas. Hace un bruco movimiento para huir, pero sus pies están siendo sostenidos por unas raíces que salen de la arena. -¡No! – les grita, peor es demasiado tarde, la extraña planta rojiza esta expandiéndose por todo su cuerpo. No podría escapar. En ese momento entendía que todo era una trampa. Ese paraíso artificial, albergaba esa planta creada por esa empresa, usando la mutación nanotecnología. Se alimentaban de los seres humanos. Succionaban sus vidas, sus pensamientos, su alma. Por eso causaban ese efecto en las personas que la consumían. Peter, sus amigos y cientos de desgraciados que han intentado robar el conglomerado, pasaron a ser el alimento de lo que tanto deseaban, la doble vida.


John, David and Peter couldn't believe what they were seeing. This is impossible! They seemed to be saying to each other when they crossed their eyes. They were on a man-made beach, located inside an industrial conglomerate in the New Mexico desert. The sand was very white and the waters were calm. A few hours before they were under the harsh sun and now, as if by magic, they seemed to be on another planet just by walking through the wall that protected that industrial fortress. A great sun seemed to be setting on the horizon, surrounded by a halo of heavenly light.

-Where the hell are we? This couldn't be real. - David said.

-This is the future, my friends. What did you expect from these people. They own the biggest technology companies! Don't be distracted, we're here to find what will make us rich. Come on, let's get moving - exclaimed Peter forcefully.

The three men were professional criminals and for weeks they planned their incursion into these facilities. They had obtained information that a new drug containing a substance was being produced there, which was also used to manufacture a new drug that was the sensation. It was a powerful drug that became popular all over the world. The double life was the name it was given. By using it, one of its effects was to make you feel like you were living someone else's life. If we get hold of that substance, we will be rich! The three of them said to each other. To achieve this, Peter went to work in the maintenance area. All the employees only knew the outside of that conglomerate. The area after the wall was off-limits. Security was almost non-existent. At first they thought it was strange, but then they thought that way they wouldn't attract attention. It was the industry's strategy to distract criminals. That's what Peter thought. They came to the site by hiding their faces under a hood, subdued all the employees, neutralized the few security guards and went over the wall.

-What are we looking for? I don't see any chemicals anywhere. I'm here for the drugs, not to see fancy beaches.

-Don't be an idiot. Look beyond what's in plain sight. It's a fucking greenhouse. Can't you see that? An artificial paradise where they grow the plants - answered Peter -now we'll pick them up in their purest form.

-just a moment! Wait, be quiet, I thought I heard something - I'll alert you David.

For a few seconds they were absolutely silent. They could hear a buzzing sound. You could hear it far away, but as the hands of the clock advanced, the intensity of the buzzing was stronger.

-It can't be anyone. We locked everyone up. Check the list, one by one. There's no one else - whispered Peter.

-Damn it! - John said to his accomplices. Walk a few steps and the rays of light from that giant night sun shine on him completely. At that moment a modified drone with weapons was placed on top of the criminal. A bullet went through his leg, falling into the white sand. The other two criminals hid in the dark areas of the artificial beach. Your friend John was lying on the sand, holding the pain of his wound. It couldn't be that easy! The beach was protected by Drones.

-Now what the hell are we going to do? - says David for Peter.

-Stay in the dark. They can't see us.

-They can't see us? -Of course they can! If they've built this place in the middle of a desert, their drones are state-of-the-art. Let's go immediately!

-Not in your dreams. We've come for the drug swamps. They could have shot John in the head, killed him with one shot. On the contrary, they aimed at his leg.

-You went crazy. Ambition has blinded you, they want to catch us and send us to prison. I'm going!

David ran out in the dark. Peter went after him. He needed him to get the target. Trying to dodge the areas where there was light, David stumbled onto something. Peter helps him up, so, at that moment they see some strange plants, most of them were red and some of them were green. It was scattered all over the beach, it was thousands of mounds of sand with that mixture of red and green emerging. The eyes of the criminals were glowing. They had gotten the treasure they craved. It was the double life drug plant. They frantically began to rip them out and stuff them into the big bags they carried on their backs. There was so much excitement that they did not realize a Dron was approaching. They had a bag full of the drug when David felt a puncture on his shoulder. His body is paralyzed and falls into the sand.

-Damn it! - exclaims Peter.

The last criminal standing, he sneaks down, hides in the middle of the plants. He pulls out his gun, points it at the Dron, and sets out to knock it down, but David's fierce cry interrupts him. He turns to see what is happening and is terrified. David is being dragged into another mound of sand. The plants seem to be alive, moving their branches, becoming entangled in the man's body, squeezing him. Peter looks around and realizes he is surrounded by the plants. He makes a brisk movement to flee, but his feet are being held up by roots coming out of the sand. -He shouts at them, but it is too late, the strange reddish plant is spreading all over his body. She couldn't escape. At that moment I understood that it was all a trap. That artificial paradise, housed that plant created by that company, using the nanotechnology mutation. They fed on humans. They sucked out their lives, their thoughts, their souls. That's why they had such an effect on the people who consumed it. Peter, his friends and hundreds of other unfortunates who tried to steal the conglomerate, became the food for what they wanted so badly, the double life.


Thanks for the great story @ jcrodriguez


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