Your gaze on Us. Tu mirada en nosotros.

in #spanish4 years ago

mirada de Dios.jpg

Dios amado, estamos reunidos en casa, quizás asustados, sin fe débiles ante las pruebas y dificultades de la vida, de esta nueva realidad que nos rodea.

Somos débiles señor, necesitamos de tu palabra, de tu voz, de tu amor, quiero cerrar mis ojos y escucharte en mi corazón. Alabarte y darte gracias porque estás aquí, junto a mi. No te has ido de mi lado. Te alabo porque puedo reir, y escuchar las voces de mis hijas, hermanos, padres, tios, primos, sobrinos, te alabo porque puedo sentirlos en la distancia, que su amor me alcanza.

Quiero darte gracias señor porque has creado un cielo maravilloso, con música y colores para agradarme. Porque la brisa que roza mi mejilla, es tu mano limpiando la lágrimas que brotan de mi, de este amor tan grande que te tengo, y que me hiere cuando te ofendo, cuando no te reconozco en otras caras, cuuando mi propio egoismo me aleja de ti, perdón señor por las faltas y la poca fé que hemos tenido durante esta pandemia.

Tu tiempo y tu voluntad es perfecta señor, y quiero pedirte que nos ayudes a aceptarla, que ayudes y pases sanando a todos tus hijos, conectados en un respirador artificial a aquellos que acaban de recibir la noticia que están infectados por covid-19, que tienen cáncer o la noticia de que su ser querido a fallecido.

A aquellos que no pudieron decir adiós, a ellos cubrelos y llénalos de tu paz. Son tus hijos y están sufriendo, sé que tu también sufres con cada uno de nosotros.

Volveremos a ti señor, fortalecidos y agradecidos, tu voluntad es perfecta y tu amor es incondicional.

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Dear God, we are gathered at home, perhaps scared, without faith
weak before the trials and difficulties of life, of this new reality that surrounds us.

We are weak sir, we need your word, your voice, your love, I want to close my eyes and listen to you in my heart.

Praise and thank you because you are here, next to me. You have not left my side. I praise you because I can laugh, and listen to the voices of my daughters, brothers, parents, uncles, cousins, nephews, I praise you because I can feel them in the distance, that their love reaches me.

I want to thank you sir because you have created a wonderful sky, with music and colors to please me. Because the breeze that burns my cheek, is your hand cleaning the tears that flow from me, from this love that I have so great to you, and that hurts me when I offend you, when I don't recognize you in other faces, when my own selfishness drives me away from you, sorry sir for the faults and the little faith that we have had during this pandemic.

Your time and your will are perfect sir, and I want to ask you to help us accept it, to help and spend healing all your children, connected in an artificial respirator to those who have just received the news that they are infected by covid-19, who have cancer or the news that your loved one has passed away.

To those who could not say goodbye, cover them and fill them with your peace. With your children and they are suffering, I know that you also suffer with each one of us.

We will return to you sir, strengthened and grateful, your will is perfect and your love is unconditional.

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