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RE: Proyecto Cervantes : Compensación y reconocimiento para escritores de habla hispana (Vol.70)

in #spanish8 years ago

Now that the spanish community is expending along with the russian and oriental one, we should be able to choose which lenguages we want to find in our feeds. Maybe directely in the main page.
I speak Spanish, French and English. I would find very practical to be able to select these lenguages as the only ones I'll have on the main page.
Maybe your community representant could suggest such an option ;p
That would aslo allow spanish people to have a full spanish steemit.


That would be a great improvement!

I suggest you use the power you have in your community to ask spanish people if they would like such improvement. That should drive some attention from the devs ;)

Thanks for the advise :) I'll see what I can do. I deff like the idea of selecting languages as mein filter-category

Nice idea! Upvote amigo!

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