Background of Mexico – The Burning Plain.

in #spanish7 years ago

The agglomerated tragedy suffered by the people of the lower classes in Mexico is based on the Mexican Revolution, transcending in the Cristero War and ending in the agrarian reform of that country.

The book "Llano en Llamas" by Juan Rulfo, is a collection of experiences of the poor, dying Mexican peasants, mainly in the state of Colima and in the town of San Gabriel, Jalisco.

In this post, I will explain the Historical Background of Mexico, a background that explains the basis of many of the problems that still exist in the country. Similarly, I will give an example of some of the stories in that book.


Mexican Revolution

As in most political revolutions, this was a civil war that was born on November 20, 1910. An armed conflict that today is still known as the most important political and social event of the twentieth century in Mexico.

Based on this, this conflict originated in 1876 when the military dictator José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Morí seized power, remaining a dictator for 31 years. If it is true that during this period the country improved economically and had good political stability, however, this success was achieved thanks to the social and economic misfortunes of the country's most vulnerable (the peasants), leading them to a precarious life based on survival and poverty.

Due to this, to the discontent of the population and intervention of the political opposition led by Francisco Ignacio Madero González, arose that armed conflict that lasted until 1917 with the proclamation of the Mexican Constitution. Although many claim that the conflict was concluded in 1920 with the entry into power of Adolfo de la Huerta, or in 1924 with the Plutarco Elías Calles. Some even say it lasted longer (1940).

"It is that we are very poor"

“Here everything goes from bad to worse. Last week my aunt Jacinta died, and on Saturday, when we had already buried her and the sadness began to fall, it started to rain like never before. That gave my father courage, because the whole barley crop was sunning on the lot. And the downpour came suddenly, in great waves of water, without giving us time even to hide even if it was a bunch; the only thing we could do, all of my house, was to stay close to the roof, watching how the cold water that fell from the sky burned that yellow barley so freshly cut.
And just yesterday, when my sister Tacha had just turned twelve, we found out that the cow that my father gave him for the day of his saint had been taken by the river... ”


Cristera War

In comparison with the Mexican Revolution, this was an armed conflict that lasted 3 years (1926 - 1929) between the government and the laity, priests and religious Catholics, was based on the prohibition of Catholic worship. In the Mexican constitution a policy was established that denied the juridical personality to the churches, prohibited the participation of the clergy in politics, deprived the churches of the right to own real estate and prevented public worship outside of the temples.

This armed conflict had a number of 250,000 deaths among civilians, adepts to Catholicism and military belonging to the Mexican army.


“… For that reason, so that they do not stone me, I live always in my house. Immediately they feed me I lock myself in my room and I walk the door well so that they do not give me the sins, seeing that it is dark. And not even the ocote to see where the cockroaches are climbing. Now I'm quiet. I lie down on my sacks, and as soon as I feel some cockroach walk with its scratchy legs by my neck I slap it and crush it ... I never kill the crickets. Felipa says that the crickets always make noise, without stopping or breathing, so that the cries of the souls that are suffering in purgatory are not heard. The day when the crickets are over, the world will be filled with the cries of the holy souls and we will all run away scared by the scare ... ”


Agrarian reform

The "Agrarian Reforms" are generally positive changes within the framework of the productivity of the land for cultivation. However, this reform had a negative tendency, favored the politicians and military that governed the country and harmed the peasants, who were committed to planting.

“They gave us the ground”

“After so many hours of walking without finding a shadow of a tree, a tree seed, or a root of anything, you hear the barking of dogs.
One has sometimes believed, in the middle of this road without borders, that there would be nothing after; that nothing could be found on the other side, at the end of this plain cracked with cracks and dry streams. But yes, there is something. There is a village. You hear the dogs bark and the smell of smoke is felt in the air, and you smell that smell of people as if it were a hope. But the town is still very far away from here. It is the wind that brings it closer ...
… This is how they have given us this land. And in this hot comal they want us to sow seeds of something, to see if something sprouts and gets up. But nothing will be lifted from here. Neither buzzards. One sees them there each and when, very high, flying at a run; trying to get out as soon as possible of this white hardened terregal, where nothing moves and where one walks as if retreating ...”


Quotations taken from the book "The Burning Plain".

Let's learn from the past so as not to be prisoners and slaves of the present. Thank you very much for reading!


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