El fruto de nuestro trabajo en tiempos de crisis./ The fruit of our work in times of crisis.

in #spanish5 years ago

La agricultura es lo que tiene a muchos venezolanos vivos, ya que con los altos costo para adquirir los alimentos necesarios para nuestro organismo,muchas personas se dedicaron a ella.
Yo le doy gracias a Dios, que mi padre que en paz descanse, nos dejó una pequeña parcela con varias plantas de cambures,topocho y también caña de azucar.
Nosotros (mi hermano y yo) Nos dedicamos a esta parcela día a dia y aún mantenemos varias plantas que con mucho trabajo y esfuerzo las hemos mantenido ya que carecemos del vital líquido (agua) para regarlas. Pero que muy pronto volveremos a activar nuestro pozo de agua,ya que gracias a mi amigo @drutter y a la gran misión agua posible,se logró recaudar el dinero para adquirir la bomba de agua sumergible.
Esperamos acabe rápido esta pandemia para proceder a la compra de la misma, ya que todos los negocios están cerrados y no sé ah podido localizar..
Este día me acompaña mi sobrino en el terreno donde cosecho topochos,fruto de nuestro trabajo y dedicación para llevar la comida a nuestra familia .

Agriculture is what has many Venezuelans alive, since with the high cost of acquiring the necessary food for our organism, many people dedicated themselves to it. I thank God that my father, may he rest in peace, left us a small plot with several plants of cambur, topocho and also sugar cane. We (my brother and I) dedicate ourselves to this plot day by day and we still maintain several plants that with a lot of work and effort we have maintained since we lack the vital liquid (water) to irrigate them. But that very soon we will reactivate our water well, since thanks to my friend @drutter and the great possible water mission, we managed to raise the money to acquire the submersible water pump. We hope this pandemic ends quickly to proceed with the purchase of it, since all businesses are closed and I do not know how to locate it. This day my nephew accompanies me on the land where I harvest topochos, fruit of our work and dedication to bring food to our family.

Este racimo de topocho debe estar listo para la cosecha aproximadamente entre 1 mes y medio .

This cluster of topocho should be ready for harvest in approximately 1 month and a half.

Este racimo de topocho está listo para la cosecha pero lo vamos a recoger la próxima semana para siempre tener en casa y no tener un solo día todos y así ir apaleando la grave crisis que vivimos en Venezuela, y ahora para terminar de agravar la situación está terrible enfermedad que nos tiene en cuarentena y todo se a encarecido en mi país.

This bunch of topocho is ready for the harvest but we are going to pick it up next week to always have at home and not have a single day all and thus go about beating the serious crisis we are experiencing in Venezuela, and now to finish aggravating the situation it is terrible disease that has us in quarantine and everything has become more expensive in my country.

Fotos tomadas con mi teléfono celular ZTE maven 2. / Photos taken with my ZTE maven 2 cell phone.


Lovely topochos! That last bunch looks ready, and I hope thieves don't take it before you return to harvest.
I'm so happy we managed to find you the funds necessary for the pump, Edgar. I'm thankful to everybody who pitched in. I hope this pandemic lockdown ends soon, so you can purchase the pump, and have running water on your farm again! : )
All the best, mi amigo.

yes thankful friend with you for helping me find the funds. If my friend there is nothing open due to the pandemic and I have to make that purchase in another state, that is, in the capital of Venezuela, since on the island they do not sell pumps larger than 3 hp and I have to buy one of 7.5 to have the power necessary to boost the water to give to the neighbors and the irrigation of my plants. I had in a small plot at my grandmother's house a ful milk plant and I expected them to mature to give the child and the thieves cut the plant and took all the green milk to sell to make sweet. Friend, I know who the thieves are and they do not do it out of necessity since they are thugs and they do it to kill the vice of smoking, marijuana, kriper, cacaina and they are not able to work and maintain the vices. I'm just hoping to get them on the spot to grab them and send them straight to jail because they are doing a lot of damage to the town where I live. have a happy night friend cuidence of this pandemic.

Oh, so they are just selfish vandals and opportunists.... the worst kind of thieves. Some people steal to survive and that's not good... but stealing just to buy drugs and be lazy is evil. I hope you catch them and have them punished. Good luck amigo and stay safe.

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