
jejeje thank you for commenting friend wrote it in Spanish but I sent it translated so you can appreciate this beautiful word!

The ways of God

Exodus 33:17 "Added to Moses: I will also do what he has said, because he has found grace in my eyes, and he has known you by name."
This verse reflects the great bond that exists between God and Moses, there simply seems to be something special in the relationship between them. Here God is telling Moses; Go quiet, do not worry, you'll do everything I've asked for, I respond positively to your request and I'll go with you. What does "Celeste Father" mean, "we also", "we are going to undertake something new in our life", "career", "ministry", etc.

What has most drawn attention to the reasons why God has responded to Moses in this fascinating way and the main causes is not perfect, handsome, faithful or good Christian that was Moses, because we all remember man very well. who took his life and took into account that he was our character was a human being of flesh and blood, he knew with all certainty that he had flaws and faults, for which there was nothing he could do to deserve the benefits.

The idea is not to downgrade the name or prestige of Moses, but to his relief it is better than the other reasons; He did not really depend on Moses but on God, God simply knew him by name and Moses had found grace before his eyes.

But a second question is invertible, how did Moses find grace before the almighty God and as part of being more of the people of Israel to become the Moses with whom God spoke as a friend? The answer is also very simple and the we find in Psalm 103: 7 "His ways reported to Moses, and to the children of Israel his works." (RVR1960). Moses a differential of the people of Israel is concerned to know the ways of God, be concerned to know the will of the Father, his plans and his heart, while the people, the office of the streets, the commandments, what to do , dress and say. Israel could not experience the personal relationship with God that Moses enjoyed, they were more occupied in what they had to do than in the one they should know.

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