in #spanish6 years ago


Yo soy Sandra Véliz, creyente en Dios primeramente, profesora universitaria (desde hace 15 años), graduada en Contaduría Pública (desde hace 17 años), quien junto a mi esposo comparto una oficina contable y ahora formamos parte de la comunidad Steemit.

Mi nacionalidad es Venezolana y como tal sacamos el mejor provecho de lo que hacemos, aprendemos rápido y trabajamos muy duro por la familia y nuestro país.

Steemit es una buena oportunidad para expandirnos en nuevos proyectos, en nuevos idiomas, donde podemos enfocarnos en escribir de tantas cosas que nos forman como seres integrales.

La iniciativa de formar parte de esta nueva comunidad se la debo a mi amigo @frankcalvo quien me habló de esta nueva plataforma.

Espero conocer mucha gente buena e interesante y aprender de cada una, espero nutrirlos con mi experiencia y con mis conocimientos. Feliz de formar parte de ustedes.

I am Sandra Véliz, a believer in God first, a university professor (for 15 years), graduated in Public Accounting (for 17 years), who along with my husband share an accounting office and now we are part of the Steemit community.

My nationality is Venezuelan and as such we get the best out of what we do, we learn fast and we work hard for the family and our country.

Steemit is a good opportunity to expand into new projects, in new languages, where we can focus on writing about so many things that shape us as integral beings.

The initiative to be part of this new community I owe to my friend @frankcalvo who told me about this new platform.

I hope to meet many good and interesting people and learn from each one, I hope to nurture them with my experience and my knowledge. Happy to be part of this community.


Hola Sandra,

Welcome to Steemit! You will love it all. This is a unique place where there is no competition. Instead, we all work together to help each other. The best way to grow is to have enough Steem Power and vote to reward other authors.

It is important to produce good content in a continuous way so you can grow.

A suggestion would be take your time to look for posts that interest you and promote them. Also, start by following the authors who publish good content and vote for them.

I wish you much success if you need help, let me know!

I'm following you as well.

Best Regards, @juniorifoj

Obrigado @juniorifo, uma emoção que você me segue. Para mim, é mais fácil falar com você em espanhol (que é a minha língua nativa) ou em português (porque adoro o seu idioma).

Sua paixão pela aprendizagem do inglês me motiva a aprender

Mesmo obrigado/Thank´s you/Gracias

Yo te escribo en espanol y tu me contesta en portugués que te parece?

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